Metal Attraction

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"Arcee, a vehicular form is approaching." Ratchet said. "Decepticon?" Arcee asked. The satellite scanner zoomed in and advanced on the potential Vehicon. Turns out it was Junes car.

"Mom." Jack groaned. "Again?" Arcee asked. "She worries." Jack said. The car came to a stop, and Juje stepped out. The girls exited the back. "Hi, honey!" June said. "Jackie!" Anna said. They ran to hug him. "Finished my shift early at the hospital, so I thought I'd get the girls from daycare and swing by." June said.

"Good to see you again, doctor." She said to Ratchet. Ratchet ignored her. "Arcee. So, where's Optimus?" June asked. "On a scouting mission with Bumblebee. Sorry to disappoint." Ratchet said. "And I wore heels and everything." June joked. "Huh?" Elsa asked. "Mom! Why would you say that around anyone?! Better yet, why would you even think of something that dirty?!" Jack said, completely mortified.

"That's odd. This is an extremely unusual magnetic for any planet." Ratchet said. The screen displayed an orange magnetic area, similar to a planets magnetic field.

The Decepticons were sensing it, too. "I recognize this magnetic signature, Soundwave. And it would be unfortunate to have a Decepticon invention, such as this, used against us." Megatron said. "I will secure the weapon, Lord Megatron." Breakdown said.

"Breakdown? If you can be bested by mere humans, what chance do you have against the Autobots?" Megatron asked. "Allow me to redeem myself, Master. What I have lost is a constant reminder that I must never again fail you." Breakdown said. He had a metal eyepatch where his optic used to be.

Bulkhead entered Autobot base with Miko and Raf. "Did you feel the juice on that last turn? Bulkhead's an animal!" Miko said. She gasped when her brown eyes landed on June. "Remember when this used to be a secret clubhouse?" She whispered to Raf.

"Uh, don't worry, Ms. Darby. We were wearing seatbelts." Raf said. "I'm sure you were, Rafael." June said. "Hi, Miko. How's school going?" She asked the Japanese kid. "Why? What'd you hear?!" Miko demanded.

"Let's do this thing, Jack." Arcee said. "But, I just got here. I brought sandwiches." June said. "Mom. Look, I really need to help Arcee test her upgraded tracking system." Jack said.

"Well, just be careful." June said. "Jackie's always careful!" Elsa said. "There's notbing to be careful about. It's a routine diagnostic." Arcee said. "Are you sure you need Jack for that?" June asked. Arcwe rolled her optics and growled. "Uh, oh." Bulkhead said. "Bulkhead, I need you back in the field to investigate an odd magnetic disturbance." Ratchet said.

"I'll go with!" Miko volunteered. "Whoa! Stay put, Miko!" Bulkhead ordered while gently but firmly stopping her with his servo. Miko growled and marched off.

"Why aren't you going with him?" June asked. "Someone thinks it's not safe!" Miko huffed. "But, it's safe for Jack to go with Arcee?" June questioned. "Mom, totally different." Jack said. "Oh, how?" June asked. "Mother knows best, Jack. Wait up, Bulkhead! I'm going with." Arcee said. The Ground-Bridge activated and transported the Autobot and Wrecker away.

Jack scoffed. "What'd I say?" June asked.

Breakdown held a datapad that detected the location of the magnetic field. Hso servo turned into his sledge hammer, and he swung at a few rocks until he found what he was looking for.

It was one of the many Iacon Relics that fell to Earth millions of years ago. The Polarity Gauntlet. He picked up the Gauntlet, then heard quick footsteps. He activated his shoulder cannon and aimed at where he heard it. There was no one.

He heard rocks fall and turned around. There, hanging between two cliffs was Airachnid. She lunged at Breakdown and kicked him twice, causing him to fall and drop the Polarity Gauntlet. She ran and picked it up. "For me? You shouldn't have!" She said sarcastically.

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