Orion Pax Part 3

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Cybertron's two moons cast enough light to light the way. The keys glowed brighter than normal. "We must be close." Jack said. They walked into a large arena with a huge statue of Megatron above the entrance. Elsa noticed it. "Megatron." She whispered.

They were now in one of the gladiatorial pits of Kaon. Then, a Cyber-quake started rocking the area. Cracks spread across the ground, and the key cards glowed even brighter. A column fell down from the wall, and a huge door emerged from the ground.

"Vector Sigma's down here?" Elsa asked. "Kaon didn't always belong to the Decepticons. Megatron took it as their capital, apparently without ever realizing what lay beneath their feet." Arcee said.

Pebbles fell onto them. They looked up and saw the creature that was stalking them, a bug-like creature.

The creature jumped down and tried to pummel Arcee, but she dodged in time and shot the creature, but it was like being hit with pebbles compared to the shots. The creature noticed the Autobot symbol on Arcee's back. It growled and smashed into her and sent her into one of the columns.

"Arcee!" Jack shouted. The creature looked at them and saw the key cards. The thing ran at them, but Arcee got in front of them and shot the thing back. With the creature distracted, Jack contacted Ratchet. "We're being attacked by some kind of giant bot beetle!" He said.

"An Insecticon!" Ratchet identified. "A what?" June asked. "What are Decepticons doing on Cybertron?" Raf questioned. "A few remained in Stasis. Sentries should the... enemy return." Ratchet explained.

Arcee jumped on the columns, shot the Instecticon, transformed, and drove forward. The Instecticon quickly caught up, but Arcee transformed, and the Insecticon flew over her.

"Jack, Elsa, go!" Arcee ordered. "Seriously?" Jack asked. "Without Arcee? She's their guide!" June protested. "No, nurse Darby, Arcee is their backup. The key cards are their guide." Ratchet said.

"Do it!" Arcee yelled as she continued shooting the Insecticon. "Listen to her, kids. You both made it this far. Optimus is counting on you." June said. "Roger that, mom." Jack said. He took Elsa's arm and brought her through the door as it closed.

"Orion, have you made progress with Project Iacon?" Megatron asked. "It seems I am a bit rustier than I thought." Orion lied. "Might that have anything to do with the nature of your after-hours research? Did I fail to mention that we would be tracking your activities?" Megatron pressed a button, and the image of Optimus Prime appeared.

"Why does history portray me siding with the Autobot aggressors? And why did Starscream call me a Prime? I must know. Who am I?" Orion asked. "You are my clerk. Now get back to work and decode that database." Megatron ordered.

"No. I would rather erase my findings than make them available for your questionable use." Orion said. He pressed a button, and the Iacon coordinates were erased, and the Decepticon insignia filled the screen. Orion glared at Megatron and turned to leave until the warlord laughed. He pressed another button, and the coordinates came back. "Did you really think that we wouldn't be tracking and documenting every iota of your invaluable research?" Megatron asked.

Soundwave came in, an image of Cybertron on his face. "One of our sentries was activated... on Cybertron?" Megatron questioned. "You told me our planet was dead." Orion said. "That is beside the point. Guards! You will finish Project Iacon by the time I return, or I will carve out your Spark before your very eyes!" Megatron threatened and held an icy Dark Energon dagger at Orion.

Arcee continued shooting at the Instecticon. She kicked it and dodged its insect legs. She then climbed to the top of a column and shot the Insecticon. It then transformed into a giant beetle and ramed her into the wall. Arcee fell to the ground, and the Insecticon transformed and landed in front of the doorway to Vector Sigma. It ripped a large chunk of door off and ran inside. Arcee didn't move.

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