One Shall Rise Part 2

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"Optimus, have you uncovered any further sign of Unicron's emergence?" Ratchet asked. "Unicron is power incarnate, and you, the last of the Primes, shall perish!" The clones chanted.

"I take that as a yes. We are on our way." Ratchet said. "Negative. Unicron can not be defeated by sheer force. He wants me, Ratchet. This fight must be mine alone." Optimus pointed his cannons and shot at the avatars.

He lept into the air while shooting the clones. He stabbed one and shot more but was rammed down to the lower level by another clone. They hit him, but Optimus shot them off. He stabbed another avatar in its face. But the clones were beginning to overwhelm him.

Optimus was sure he was gonna die, but then a Ground-Bridge portal opened, and Bulkhead, Cyclonus, Arcee, Jetfire, Chromia, and Bumblebee came out and shot the clones. Cyclonus transformed into his fighter jet mode and fired his gatling gun at the clone pinning Optimus.

Chromia and Bumblebee shot a manifestation down, and another landed on Chromia, making Cyclonus angry. "Get off my Spark-Mate!" He roared and fired a missile at the avatar, destroying it. Optimus picked a clone up and tossed it away, then stabbed another.

"Did Ratchet not relay my command? Return to base!" Optimus ordered. "Reinforcements will not prevent your destruction, disciple of Primus!" The clones chanted.

"Optimus, you're Unicron's target. Maybe you should consider returning to base." Arcee said. "These manifestations of Unicron can locate me anywhere on Earth. Even our bases shielding would only cloak my position for so long. I will not put others at risk." Optimus said.

"Then fall back and let us take the lead. Just this once." Bulkhead said. "Please listen to reason, if you don't survive, Optimus, I fear neither will this planet." Ratchet said. "Very well." Optimus said. "Let's move!" Arcee yelled.

They ran through the canyon while shooting and stabbing the avatars. Jetfire transformed into an SR-71 Blackbird and helped Cyclonus kill the avatars. The other Autobots soon transformed and rammed into the manifestations, and they all emerged away.

Then, the mountain began to fall apart. The Autobots, including the flyers, transformed and were met by a huge clone of Unicron. Bee buzzed at Optimus. "No, not Unicron himself. But another of his manifestations." Optimus said.

"If we can't beat Unicron and we can't outrun him, what exactly are we supposed to do?" Chromia asked. "All we can do, neutralize his vessels as they appear, until we find a way to destroy him without destroying the very Earth upon which we walk." Optimus said.

Bee and Bulkhead transformed and drove behind Unicron, transformed again and shot him. Unicron dragged a weapon into the ground and knocked the Autobots away. Cyclonus and Jetfire shot missiles at him, but he wacked them away. Arcee shot and transformed, but Unicron hit her, sending her flying into Chromia.

Optimus desperately shot at the titan who said, "Fool!" He hit the ground, sending rocks flying at Optimus.

Bulkhead and Bumblebee recovered and shot at Unicron again.

Optimus desperately tried to free himself. "I am this world's past and its future, and as of this moment -" Unicron started as he raised his foot. "No!" Arcee cried. "All Primes are simply past!" Before Unicron could flatten Optimus, a stream of purple ice magic hit him from behind, causing him to turn into ice. The clone was then shot in the helm, making it fall apart.

Bee buzzed in confusion. "Wasn't me." Arcee said. "Nor any of us." Cyclonus added. "Ratchet?" Arcee asked. "What is it? What happened?" Ratchet asked. "I happened!" A voice boomed. There standing on the frozen clone of Unicron was Megatron.

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