Predacons Rising Part 1

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On Cybertron, all Autobots, minus Ratchet and Jetfire, were gathered outside the gladiatorial pit of Kaon. "We have endured bitter hardship and countless battles. But at long last, our home planet has been restored. We would not be standing on Cybertroian soil were it not for the valiant efforts of both those assembled here and our absent comrades. Ratchet and Jetfire, who remain on Earth to safeguard our human friends and Cliffjumper, who made the ultimate sacrifice." Optimus said. Arcee looked down at the mention of the name of her deceased partner.

"But on this day, at the dawn of a new era, we gather to bestow a special honor. One earned by Bumblebee. Through his bravery and devotion to the cause of peace long before he rid this universe of the scourge of the Decepticon warmonger." Optimus said.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, at the floor of the Pacific Ocean lay Megatron's lifeless husk.

"Megatron. Megatron. Megatron!" A dark voice called out for the warlord. Megatron was standing in a space and opened his optics. The warlord looked around before his optics landed on the being before him. "Unicron?" He asked. It was indeed the Chaos Bringer.

"I do not understand. Why am I not one with the Allspark? Do I yet live?" Megatron asked. "You do not. Yet you cannot join the Allspark because my lifeblood once flowed through your veins." Unicron said. "Dark Energon." Megatron realized. "It binds you to my Anti-Spark." Unicron said.

"Optimus Prime used the Matrix of Leadership to imprison you within the Earth's core. So how is it that you speak to me now?" Megatron asked. "The foolish Prime rendered only my material form dormant. But my energy form was roused from slumber when I sensed the awakening of an ancient rival across the cosmos." Unicron said.

"Primus. So it would seem that Optimus succeeded in restoring Cybertron after my demise." Megatron said. "I now wish to finish what I began eons ago, and for that, my Anti-Spark requires a vessel." Unicron said. "So I will live again?" Megatron asked.

"Only to serve me." Unicron specified. "Your husk will simply be an instrument of my will." His eyes glowed, and back in the real world, Megatron's purple optics came online. The warlord groaned as his chassis glowed with Dark Energon, and he fell. The spikes on his shoulder shrunk away, then grew. His digits shrunk and grew longer. Megatron screamed into the ocean, and a jet, lit up by the Moon, erupted from the ocean and took off for Cybertron.

The Harbinger and the Nemesis hovered above Kaon. "In the company of your fellow Autobots, in the presence of our creator, Primus, the living core of our planet, and by the authority vested in me by the Matrix of Leadership, Bumblebee, arise. A warrior." Optimus said as he raised the Star Saber and tapped Bee's shoulders twice with it.

The Autobots congratulated the former scout. "Let's get this party started." Wheeljack said and held a detonator and pressed the button. The statue of Megatron above the gladiatorial pit of Kaon blew up and fell apart. Wheeljack and Bulkhead clashed their chassis' together. Smokescreen playfully smacked Bee's back. "Welcome to the club, Bee. Warrior today. Who knows? Prime tomorrow?" Smokescreen asked.

"Slow down, Smokey. I'm not sure I'd wish a Prime's responsibility on anyone." Bee said. "I am sorry to interrupt your celebration." Optimus said. "Here we go." Chromia said. "Primes never party." Bulkhead said. "But I must take my leave of you." Optimus said. "Sir, may I ask why?" Ultra Magnus asked.

"Though Cybertron is once again asked to support life, our planet is currently incapable of generating new lives. Not until I retrieve the wellspring from which all life on Cybertron is born and ultimately returns. The Allspark." Optimus said. "You mean it isn't here?" Smokescreen asked.

"Nor has it been, Smokescreen. Not for thousands of years. As the war for Cybertron reached a tipping point, and the Decepticon army appeared to be unstoppable, I opted to safeguard the Allspark from Megatron by covertly sending it to a distant sector of the galaxy. The Matrix of Leadership will enable me to guide us to its present location." Optimus told.

"Whay are we waiting for? Let's take one of the warships and bring it back." Bee said. "These remain dangerous times, Bumblebee. We cannot leave Cybertron unsecured. Not with Starscream and Shockwave unaccounted for." Optimus said.

"Not to mention our stray Predacon." Ultra Magnus added. "Ultra Magnus, you will supervise patrols to find and capture fugitive Decepticons. Take Cyclonus with you." Optimus said. "I would be honored." Ultra Magnus said. "Bulkhead, you will lead the reconstruction effort. Begin by building a landing field to welcome returning refugees. Wheeljack, I will require your extensive experience navigating deep space." Optimus said.

"When do we leave?" Ultra Magnus asked.

A revived and amped up Megatron flew past Saturn and its moons. But it was Unicron who was in control. "Super-luminous space drive. Impressive." Megatron said. "One of many upgrades that I've made to your limited corporeal form and wholly necessary to reach Cybertron." Unicron said from behind the warlord.

"So we are to rule together, as one?" Megatron asked. He got twin beams of energy striking his chassis in response. "You will rule nothing! I travel to Cybertron for one reason only: To destroy Primus personally!" Unicron snapped.

"But... to destroy Primus is to destroy Cybertron!" Megatron said. "Thus will begin a new age. The Age of Chaos!" Unicron said.

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