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Optimus slowly stood up from the snow when Predaking appeared, roared, and transformed. "It took a cataclysm to extinguish Cybertron's original Prime inhabitants. You never stood a chance against me, Prime. In fact, the time has come for your extinction." Predaking sneered and transformed his servo into a cannon and aimed it at Optimus.

Optimus shoved the cannon aside and started punching him.

The Autobots were still battling the Vehicons. "Permission to hasten our progress, chief?" Wheeljack asked and held a grenade. "Granted." Ultra Magnus said. Wheeljack threw the grenade at the Vehicons and blew them up.

Shockwave watched the entrance, and a Vehicon was thrown into the room. The other Vehicons looked at the husk in confusion, and then the Autobots came through and started shooting them. Shockwave aimed his cannon and fired at Magnus, but the commander tackled the mad scientist across the room and started punching him before Shockwave caught his claw.

"This is no place for a one-handed Autobot." Shockwave said. Ultra Magnus punched him with his good servo. "I'll take one bum hand over one good eye any day." He said.

Optimus kept punching Predaking, then headbutted him across the snow. "Stand down, Predacon!" He ordered. "I am Predaking. And I will never bow to your kind." Predaking growled and ran at Optimus again. Predaking kicked him while also transforming into his Predacon mode and got ready to torch the Prime.

"Predaking, I have been informed that our objective is at risk. Secure it, now." Megatron said. Predaking looked back at Optimus, but he was gone. Predaking roared and released a stream of fire into the air.

Ultra Magnus beat Shockwave down as the Autobots finished off the Vehicons. Commander, objective secured." Chromia said. "Now might be a fine time for surrender." Ultra Magnus said. "Q logical assumption, were it not for," Shockwave started, and Predaking came through the rood and pushed Magnus away.

Predaking grabbed Shockwave and the power core, then took off.

Optimus came out of hiding and stumbled as he regained his footing. He saw Predaking enter a portal with Shockwave and their prize. Optimus grabbed his minigun and put it away as the Autobots came out of the facility. "Ratchet, we require immediate transport back to base." Arcee said.

Agent Fowler woke up. "Stewardess, there's a man on the wing of this plane!" Agent Fowler groaned. "Ratchet, do you read?" Arcee asked. "Arcee?" Jetfire asked as he stumbled onto the bridge as the other Autobots woke up. "Jetfire? Is everything alright? Where's Ratchet?" Arcee asked. Ratchet was nowhere in sight.

"He's, he's gone." Jetfire said.

Ratchet was restrained to a medical slab on the Nemesis. Megatron came in, and Ratchet awoke. "What do you want from me?" Ratchet asked. "Your assistance, actually. To help complete a little science project." Megatron said.

"I will never cooperate." Ratchet said. "Shockwave does not require your cooperation to siphon your knowledge, doctor." Megatron said as Shockwave appeared with a sparkling cord.

"Peeled some paint off Laserbeak. But if I were a better shot, Ratchet would still be here." Smokescreen said. "Chin up, soldier. We've combed the entire floor. For the moment, that remains our only clue." Ultra Magnus said. "Nothing in the Ground-Bridge log. If they bridged Ratchet out of here, they used theirs, not our." Cyclonus said.

"Why take Ratchet prisoner, but leave these three behind?" Arcee asked. "If Megatron intends to hold our medic hostage, I find it curious that he's made no demands." Ultra Magnus said. "It would stand to reason that Ratchet possesses something the Decepticons want." Optimus deduced.

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