Chain of Command

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Back in the freezing Arctic, the Predacon was trapped in ice. Then, its yellow optics glowed as the ice broke off. The Predacon roared as it spread its wings and took off for the Nemesis.

"Is it really wise for Shockwave to spawn an army of beasts here in this laboratory or within any part of this warship? I mean, not even the lone beast we had was compact enough to stroll these corridors without tearing them asunder. Which reminds me, I am so very sorry for your loss." Starscream said.

"I was referring to my off-site laboratory, which we have erected expressly for the cloning procedures." Shockwave corrected. "You think of everything, don't you?" Starscream asked. The Nemesis shook. "We are under attack! Autobots?" Starscream asked.

"Illogical." Shockwave said and accessed the computer. "Though there appears to be an enormous mass upon the upper hull." He said.

The 3 Decepticons opened up the door to the flight deck, and there was the Predacon. "How did it find us?" Starscream inquired. "Predacons possess precise homing instincts." Shockwave explained. "And astonishing resilience. Starscream, assume command of my beast." Megatron said.

"Me, Master? I mean, I wouldn't dream of seizing such an honor from its very creator." Starscream said. "Military command of the Predacon is most logical since my services are required elsewhere." Shockwave said, and he and Megatron left Starscream with the Predacon.

The door closed, and Starscream put his servos on it when the Predacon growled, and he shrieked.

Ultra Magnus' ship arrived at a cave containing the Predacon bone in Scotland. The hatch lowered. "Alright, beast hunters. According to our Intel, the Decepticon should be excavating for Predacon bones directly beneath us." Ultra Magnus said.

"On it, chief." Wheeljack said and took off. "Does Wheeljack not comprehend the chain of command? I didn't authorize him to advance without proper cover." Ultra Magnus said. "Yeah, I'm sure Jackie's just trying to prove himself now that you and he are serving together again, sir." Bulkhead said.

"YEEHAW!" Wheeljack shouted and lept off the cliff. Ultra Magnus glared at where he was. As Wheeljack was climbing down, rocks hit his helm, and he looked up. "Jackie, wait up. Ultra Magnus wants us to -" Bulkhead started. "Blah, blah, blah." Wheeljack said.

Bulkhead made a shushing sound and pointed at a Vehicon coming out of the mine. Ultra Magnus watched from above and sighed as he readied his cannon. "Wrecker fact number 17," Wheeljack started. "Guards never look up." Bulkhead finished.

His pede slipped a little, and a few rocks tumbled down below. The Vehicon turned around as Wheeljack lept off the wall, swords drawn, and sliced the Vehicon's helm off.

Bulkhead snickered, but Ultra Magnus scowled at Wheeljack. Wheeljack saluted Magnus with his sword, but then more Vehicons poured out of the mine. "Scrap." Wheeljack said. The Vehicons fired, but Wheeljack deflected the blasts with his swords and sliced a Vehicon apart as Bulkhead came down and bashed more in.

Ultra Magnus came down while shooting, then grabbed the Forge of Solus Prime from his back and smashed it into the ground and Bulkhead bashed another as Magnus smashed a Vehicon into the wall. "That's why we wait for cover." Ultra Magnus said.

"Ahh, bolts." Wheeljack said and opened his chassis, and Miko came out, gasping for air. Wheeljack set her down on a rock. "Forgot you were in there, kid." He said. "At least I didn't heave on any floor mats this time." Miko said. She then held her mouth.

"You miserable beast, I am your commanding officer, and I order you to crawl into your kennel now!" Starscream commanded. The Predacon gently growled and looked away. "I said go already!" Starscream ordered and zapped the Predacon's leg with an Energon prod, angering it. It released a stream of fire, and Starscream ducked, but his horn wasn't spared from the onslaught.

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