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Back in New York, Jack, Miko, Elsa, Bumblebee, and Arcee drove back into the alleyway as a Ground-Bridge opened. Mimo was scatting while Bee played metal music.

"We got the Phase Shifter, and we messed up Knockout's face! Oh, yeah!" She sang before Bee turned the radio off. "Hey!" Miko objected.

Bee buzzed at her. "Let me guess, you and Raf spend all your drive time listening to chip tunes." Miko joked. Bee buzzed again. "Well, it's been fun, but I'm ready to get back to my regularly scheduled partner, Bulk-AHH!!" Bee nearly collided with an unconscious Bulkhead but turned in time. Bee transformed, allowing Miko to step out.

"Bulkhead, respond!" Ratchet begged as he put Energon defibrillators to Bulkhead's chassis. "Bulkhead?" Miko asked in a small voice.

Ratchet removed the defibrillators and scanned Bulkhead for anything positive. "Bulkhead! What happened?" Miko asked and ran to her friend, but Agent Fowler held her back. "Tox-En exposure, among other things. Bulkhead has suffered a complete systems failure." Ratchet said.

"Hold on, Tox-En?" Arcee asked. Ratchet looked at his wrist computer. Bulkhead's life-signal was red. "Help me get him to the medical bay now!" He ordered. Bumblebee and Arcee ran to help the green Wrecker. Miko watched them drag her friend away. "No!" She yelled and broke out of Agent Fowler's grip but didn't go further.

"If I hadn't gone to New York -" She started as tears began to form. "There's nothing you could have done. Hardshell sucker-punched the big lug while he was down." Agent Fowler said. "Who?" Miko asked.

"Some Insecticon. It doesn't matter. Point is it's not your fault. You got that?" Agent Fowler asked. "Got it." Miko growled. Jack put a hand on her shoulder, and Elsa gently held her hand.

Over on the Nemesis, Megatron was angrily addressing Dreadwing, Knockout, Soundwave, and Hardshell. "How is this possible?! Four relics, each within our grasp, and yet only Soundwave has returned with something other than an excuse!" The warlord looked at the Insecticon.

"Tell me, Hardshell, what is yours?" Megatron asked. "I have none, my lord. We failed to retrieve the Tox-En. But the green Autobot has been terminated." Hardshell said. "Then perhaps this day is not lost after all." Megatron said.

"If that is true. It has been a while since anyone has extinguished an Autobot Spark." Knockout cut in. "Because it has been a while since an Insecticon's warrior has been provided the opportunity to do so." Hardshell said.

"Really, now? Because the bug under my recent command was utterly useless." Knockout said. Hardshell growled at that insult. "Enough! Hardshell, are you certain the one called Bulkhead was exterminated?" Megatron asked. "By my very own hand, Lord Megatron." Hardshell said.

Bulkhead was hooked up to multiple monitors as the Autobots surrounded their friend. Yes, sir. Turns out highlights of your Big Apple adventure got caught on security tape. The Pentagon needs me to run interference with the mayor." Agent Fowler said.

Ratchet kept scanning Bulkhead. "I tried to stall, but -" Agent Fowler started. "Go where you are needed, Agent Fowler. There is nothing more you can for Bulkhead at this time." Optimus said.

"Keep me posted, Prime." Agent Fowler said and walked for the elevator. He turned around and said ,"I mean it." He entered the elevator. "Wheeljack's on his way." Arcee said. Miko stood up in shock. "I can't believe you're giving up on Bulkhead already!" She snarled.

"All I meant was Wheeljack and Bulkhead are close. I thought he'd want to be here." Arcee assured. "I know what you meant!" Miko huffed. "Miko, where are you going?" Optimus asked. "Home! While Agent Fowler can still give me a lift." Miko said and entered the elevator.

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