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"Energon signal's getting stronger. About 5 clicks due north." Smokescreen said. Bee buzzed and followed him. "What did you mean 'speed limit'? I have a gauge in here that goes to 150. If the humans who designed my vehicle form didn't want it to go that fast, they shouldn't have given me the option!" Smokescreen said.

He started going very fast but nearly collided with a Jeep. The angry driver stepped out with a crowbar. "Hey, Indy 500! When I'm through with you, you're to need more than a pit crew to put you back together!" He threatened. Smokescreen transformed, leaving the driver shocked. "Bring it!" Smokescreen said as he kneeled down to the human.

The human dropped the crowbar. "Who's the tough guy now, huh?" Smokescreen asked. Then Bee honked his horn, transformed, and pushed Smokescreen aside while buzzing. "Relax, Bumblebee! I'm just messing around." Smokescreen said. Unfortunately, the human managed to take a picture of them both.

Later, Jack and Elsa found the picture. "Found it. Old road rage didn't waste any time posting your mug shots. Raf will scrao thos as soon as he's back from house hunting." Jack said. "Is this what you learned while serving Alpha Trion?! I highly doubt that he would have condoned such irresponsible behavior!" Ratchet snapped.

"Blowing your cover is not okay." Arcee said. "Sorry, guys. I know I really messed up." Smokescreen apologized. "While Ratchet and Arcee are correct, I believe that we are all equally responsible for this incident." Optimus said. The other Autobots protested.

"Our recent efforts have been so intensly focused on averting crises that we have overlooked matters. Such as teaching Smokescreen how to best function on this planet. It is an oversight that must be corrected." Optimus said. "Optimus, I'm honored to train under you and will do whatever it takes to make things right, to make you proud." Smokescreen said.

"Perhaps the best way for you to learn about the human world is from a human." Optimus said. "Smokescreen gets his own partner?" Arcee asked. "Oh, please! Isn't having 5 humans here enough?" Ratchet asked, earning a glare from everybody. Even Jack and Elsa. Ratchet scoffed, then shuddered and returned to work.

"I was referring to two already among us." Optimus said as he looked at Jack and Elsa. "We can do it, Optimus." Elsa said. "We've all put in curbside duty. Part of the gig." Bulkhead said. Jack and Elsa climb down the ladder. "Then let's go for a drive, teachers." Smokescreen transformed.

Jack and Elsa enter Smokescreen, and he drives out of base. "Optimus, with all due respect, Agent Fowler is out relocating Raf's family because the 'Cons discovered where he lives. Meanwhile, Smokescreen in all his wisdom chooses a vehicle mode with screaming double 38s on the doors, making him an easy target. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't more than concerned about Jack and Elsa's safety." Arcee said. "Nonetheless, the fact remains that our recruit is in need of instruction. I believe that Smokescreen's Spark is in the right place and that he now understands the necessity of protecting humanity." Optimus said.

Smokescreen turned a hard left. "Okay, intersection. Let's review. Light's green?" Jack asked. "Green for go." Smokescreen said. "And yellow?" Elsa asked. "Go faster!" Smokescreen said happily. He picked up speed. "Whoa! Smokescreen, stop!" Elsa yelled. The light turned red, and Smokescreen immediately stopped.

"Just messing around." Smokescreen laughed. They heard an engine roar. Jack seemed to recognize as he said, "Oh no!" And lowered himself while raising the window. "What is it, Jackie?" Elsa asked. "'Cons?" Smokescreen asked. "Just someone from school I'd rather not talk to." Jack said.

Vince stood up and noticed Jack hiding. He reached into his food bag. "Drive." Jack said. "Red light, teach. No can do." Smokescreen said. Jack sat up. Vince threw a burger at them and drove off. Elsa immediately lowered the passenger window and yelled, "Jerk!"

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