Plus One

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Back aboard the Harbinger, Raf received a Ground-Bridge request. "Incoming Ground-Bridge request from Scotland." He said. A portal opened, and Wheeljack came into the bridge first. "Wheeljack, what happened?" Arcee asked. "Where are the others?" Chromia asked.

"Having a swell time taking the long way home in Ultra Magnus' boat, I'm sure. Miko included." Wheeljack said. "I wondered what was taking so long with those sodas." Raf said. "Did you secure the Predacon bone?" Jetfire asked. "The beast hunt kind of imploded, fly-boy." Wheeljack said. "Well, I just got wind of another 'Con hotspot. Right outside of Taos, New Mexico. Since Prime's unit isn't baxk from oil country," Agent Fowler said.

"Raf, set a bridge for Fowler's coordinates. You, roll with me." Arcee said. "Not today, alright?" Wheeljack asked. "Don't look at us." Cyclonus said. "If you're alright sending me out there alone." Arcee said. "Alone's how I prefer to roll." Wheeljack said.

"Wheeljack, you do not want to make me abandon a complex equation venture outside my comfort zone." Ratchet said. "Ah, fine. But in case you haven't figured it out," Wheeljack started, and they entered the portal. "Hang on. Wait for us." Jetfire said, and he, Cyclonus, and Chromia followed them. "I don't play well... with others." Wheeljack finished. "Scrap." Arcee said.

They were surrounded by a Vehicon army. "Know what I love most about Vehicon troopers?" Wheeljack asked. "They're easily distracted." Arcee said. Wheeljack lunged Arcee into the air, and the other Autobots shot the Vehicons. Arcee landed and shot more Vehicons and kicked some as well.

Wheeljack helped Chromia kill a Vehicon, and they punched, shot, kicked, and killed the poor Vehicons until there was none left standing. "You guys sure you weren't Wrecker's?" Wheeljack asked. "You sure you don't play well with others?" Arcee asked.

Agent Fowler sat in his office in the warehouse underneath the Harbinger when he heard a car door open and close. He looked out the window and saw June walking into the warehouse.

Due to the terminals being massive and unable to allow human games on the Harbinger, Jack, Elsa, and Anna resorted to playing games inside the warehouse with Ratchet watching them. "Nice shooting, my little snow." June said when she saw Elsa finally beating a game level.

"Hi, Mama!" Elsa said. "What's up?" Jack asked. "Nurse Darby, what brings you here?" Agent Fowler asked. "The medical supplies you so graciously offered to donate that my kids keep forgetting to bring home. The hospital appreciates your generosity, Agent Fowler." June said. "Please, call me William." Agent Fowler said.

Jack looked at them suspiciously. "Guys, I found a Predacon talon in a museum. Scientists were totally stumped when they excavated it in 1922. So it's been in storage." Raf said. "But we're fresh out of beast hunters." Jack said. "I didn't choose emergency as my vehicle mode for laughs." Ratchet said.

"Not sure you need a 'Bot." Agent Fowler said. "Maybe you should all just wait for Optimus." June suggested. "I'll have you know, nurse Darby, I was an Army Ranger and federal agent for Unit-E 3 decades before I ever heard the name Optimus Prime. I'm more than equipped to handle a milk run. In fact, why don't you tag along?" Agent Fowler asked.

"Oh, I don't know about that." June said. "Oh, absolutely not. Mom, I don't want you anywhere near anything 'Con. It's not -" Jack started. "Safe? Is my teenage son serious going to tell me that it's fine for him and Elsa to travel all the way to Cybertron, but his mother can't be trusted to go on a, on a." June trailed off. "Milk run." Agent Fowler whispered.

"Milk run?" June asked. "No, it's just you're lactose intolerant, and I," Jack stopped. "Come on, Agent Fowler." June said. They left the warehouse. Jack and Raf shrugged at each other.

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