Operation Bumblebee Part 1

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Lord Megatron flew through the air, transformed, and joined a bunch of Vehicons in a large area. This time, the Decepticons were not here for Energon but for something else.

"Megatron?" Ratchet observed from behind a rock with Optimus. "It seems you detected the ancient Autobot frequency precisely because it was unearthed." Optimus said. "Well, our backup shouldn't be far behind." Ratchet said. "Without knowing what the Decepticons have exhumed, I do not think I am willing to wait." Optimus said and replaced his servo for his cannon.

The Vehicons found what they were looking for. "Show me." Megatron said. They lifted it up. "Bring it to me with utmost care." Megatron ordered. They showed him a large container. Megatron opened it but was halted by Optimus. "Megatron, I can not allow you to pilfer Autobot relics!" He said.

"Not only are you misinformed, Optimus, but I would strongly advise you to lower your weapons. Unless you're in the mood for mutually assured destruction." Megatron said and held out a plaque like device. "It can't be!" Ratchet gasped.

"The Spark Extractor." Optimus identified.

"Rather unassuming, yet capable of extracting every Spark within its radius. And to think that you led me straight to it, Optimus. Or should I say Orion Pax did? You really should have left your Decepticon shield intact, for you have no idea how useful your code breaking skills prove to be suring our all too brief time together. Soudnwave, send a Ground-Bridge." Megatron said.

A portal opened up. "Engage them!" Megatron ordered. The Vehicons fired away as the warlord stomped towards the Ground-Bridge. Another group of Vehicons prepared to join their allies when they heard an engine. Bumblebee jumped from the higher ridge, wnd landed in front of them, dodged gunfire, drove up a canyon wall, and joined Optimus and Ratchet.

"Bumblebee, secure the package." Said Optimus. Bee drove underneath a Vehicon and into the Ground-Bridge portal. He transformed and snatched the Spark Extractor from Megatron's grasp. "What?!" The warlord growled. He readied his wrist blade and chased the scout. Bee transformed and drove behind him.

Megatron stomped his pede, filling the tunnel with purple ice, but Bee emerged unharmed. Megatron came out soon after. He plunged his servo into the ground, causing ice to grow everywhere. But much to his anger, only dead Vehicons were everywhere instead of frozen Autobots.

Later in Autobot base, Bee was beeping/telling the others what he did. "Loop-de-loop, huh?" Arcee asked. Bee then gave Raf a new yellow toy car that Bee accidentally crushed during the events of Darkness Rising. "You have some brass bearings, Bumblebee." Bulkhead congratulated.

"Optimus, here. The source of the ancient frequency we detected." Ratchet said as he ran scans on the Spark Extractor. "An Iacon homing beacon." Optimus said. "What's an Autobot locator doing on that?" Chromia asked. "The Class-A Decepticon weapons confiscated during the war were sealed within the vaults below Iacon." Optimus explained.

"Where you once worked as an archivist." Bulkhead said. "Iacon was both a cultural center and a stronghold which Megatron raided when Autobot troops were at their nadir. It stands to reason that in anticipation of Iacon being overrun by enemy forces, these weapons were jettisoned off-world to keep them far from Decepticon reach." Optimus said.

"Clearly, the beacon was added as a safety measure should the weapons ever be found by the undesired party?" Ratchet added. "Well, thanks to our hotshot stunt driver, this one's going in our vault." Bulkhead said. "Do you think this is the only intel you supplied to Megatron?" Chromia asked.

"Chromia, you are right to ask, and I am afraid I do not remember." Optimus said. "Optimus, Megatron clearly took advantage of your amnesia. But for all we know, this Spark Extractor is the extent of it. Have you stopped to consider that he might have suggested otherwise to merely plague your thoughts?" Ratchet asked.

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