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The beast roared. "A Predacon? They've been exctint since the beginning of Cybertronian history." Starscream said. "Indeed. But the specimen you see before you was bred in the laboratory. Cloned from fossilized remains, which I discovered on Cybertron." Shockwave said and put a servo on the Predacon's helm.

"Shockwave, it does my Spark good to see you once again tampering with creation." Megatron said. "Master, please keep your distance." Starscream advised. "No need for alarm. The beast is completely under my control." Shockwave said.

"Such primal magnificence." Megatron marveled. "A sample of Energon from Wheeljack, spilled during the Autobot's failed interrogation." Shockwave said and held a vial of Energon. He held it up to the Predacon, which scanned it with its optic. "Let the hunt begin." Megatron said. The Predacon spread its wings and took off from Darkmount.

"Guys, you know I'm all for blowing the scrap out of stuff, but what does flattening a Decepticon mine have to do with getting the band back together and taking down Megatron when he can also turn summer into winter?" Miko asked. "Simple. When we light up this place, the blast will be big and unmistakable." Wheeljack said.

"Any Autobot within 500 clicks will see the sky glowing with Energon and come running." Bulkhead finished. "Then bring the rain." Miko said.

"Mainframe's up and running, but I'll need help hacking the operating codes." Raf said. "Even if the Ground-Bridge proves functional, it will be next to worthless without a means of pinpointing the current locations of our compatriots." Ratchet said.

Bee buzzed. "Use your head, Bumblebee. If the Decepticons had the ability to track Autobot signals, we'd all have been at Megatron's mercy here on Earth a long time ago." Ratchet said. "Back where we started." Raf sighed. "But not if I can reconfigure these Decepticons frequencies. At the very least, we may be able to access their comm link." Ratchet said and set to work.

"No one's seen or heard from you since Cybertron went dark. How did you find your way to Earth?" Arcee asked. "Soldier, we may not be on Cybertron, but military protocol remains." Ultra Magnus said. "My apologies, sir." Arcee said. "Sir?" Jack pondered. "Why?" Elsa asked. "Why can't we just call you by your name?" Anna asked.

"Advise the native lifeforms to watch their tones as well." Ultra Magnus said. "What?" Jack asked. "Who is he?" Elsa asked. "Ultra Magnus was Optimus' key lieutenant during the war back on Cybertron. Very by the book. Just go with it." Arcee explained.

"As for your broader question: My story is that of all Autobots since the exodus. I wandered the spaceways in search of others. Reuniting with some often, only to see them fall at the hands of the Decepticons." Ultra Magnus told. "Until you detected the Omega beam and followed it here." Arcee said. "If you're referring to the massive energy burst originating from Cybertron, that would be affirmative. Upon my arrival, it became evident that this planet had been invaded. My scanners also detected Autobot life-signals. Yours being in closest proximity to my position." Ultra Magnus said.

"Signals? As in plural?" Jack asked hopefully. Ultra Magnus narrowed his blue optics. "Sir." Elsa said for Jack. "8 total." Ultra Magnus said. "Out of 10." Jack said. "Jack, that doesn't necessarily mean what you're thinking. Autobot signals can't be detected when they're shielded." Arcee explained.

Smokescreen phased out of the ground. "Cozy little place you built for yourself, Megatron. Finding the Forge in there may take a while. Then again, maybe you still keep your valuables in the usual place." Smokescreen said and looked at the Nemesis docked next to Darkmount.

He phased through a wall but paused when a Vehicon patrol passed. Smokescreen phased out of the wall and into another and ended up on a platform in the open next to Darkmount and phased into the Nemesis.

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