One Shall Rise Part 1

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"Why is the Blood of Unicron erupting from beneath the Earth?" Optimus questioned as Dark Energon rained down around him. A question, Optimus, that you shall take to your grave!" Megatron said. Before he ould kill him, a Ground-Bridge activated and Bulkhead bashed into him. The Wrecker began beating up the warlord.

Arcee and Chromia jumped through the portal and were shocked when they saw the Blood of Unicron erupting from the volcano. "Quickly, we must get him through." Ratchet said as he joined them. They carried the wounded Prime through.

Megatron attempted to freeze Bulkhead, but only git a part of his mace. "Bulk! Now, now, now!" Chromia shouted. Bulkhead transformed and drove for the portal as Megatron chased him.

Bulkhead transformed again and jumped through as Megatron unsheethed his wrist blade, which was now on fire. Megatron attempted to stab Bulkhead, but his blade met the ground.

He sheethed it and snarled, then wiped some Dark Energon from his mouth plate. "This is merely the beginning! I not only have godlike powers now, but I also possess enough Dark Energon to reanimate Unicron himself! HAHAHAHAHA! YEEESSS! HUAHAHAHAHAHA!" Megatron laughed maniacally.

Cyclonus activated the Ground-Bridge, allowing Chromia, Arcee, Optimus, Ratchet, and Bulkhead to come through. "Easy, Optimus. From the looks of things, you've been exposed to a massive amount of Dark Energon." Ratchet said.

"I am not the only one." Optimus said and looked at Raf and Anna. The Autobots helped him sit down. "Hi, Optimus." Anna said. "They're lucky to be alive." June said with a shaky voice. "Megatron found more of the dark stuff?" Jack asked. "A volcano full." Arcee said.

"The question is how?" Bulkhead said. "No. The question is what? As in what in the world is the Blood of Unicron doing here on Earth?" Ratchet asked. "The 'Cons killed a unicorn?" Miko asked. The Autobots stared at her. "White horse with a horn on its head? Prances around all sparkly?" Miko asked.

"Unicron. An ancient evil whose fossilized blood comprises the matter which we call Dark Energon. As legend would have it." Ratchet said. "So, you're saying this Unicron is some kind of Boogeyman?" June asked. "Boogeyman?" Cyclonus asked. "Make-believe creepy guy who hides in your closet?" Miko said.

"No, nurse, Darby. Unicron is very real. Was. That is. While I do believe he once existed, I just don't subscribe to the theory that his primordial lifeforce is the substance which harmed Anna and Raf and is the very same blood that flows through Elsa permanently." Ratchet explained.

"I've heard enough. Jack, please help me get Raf and Anna into the car." June said. Bee buzzed in confusion. "Mom, I thought they were doing better." Jack said. "Raf and Anna need to be examined by real doctors. And Raf's family needs to know what's happened. His real family." June said.

"Mom, Raf's family can't protect him. Not like they can." Jack said. "June, it deeply grieves me that I have failed. But, I will do everything in my power to ensure that no harm comes to our human friends. Or any human ever again." Optimus said.

"Optimus, they're children. They do not belong in your world. They should be worrying about grades, prom dates, pimples. Not their own survival." June said. "Mama, Dark Energon is pouring out of the volcano. It's bad. We should be worried about everybody, not just ourselves." Elsa said. "You're coming with me, all 5 of you. And they will not be coming back." June said.

"What?!" Elsa asked. "I understand." Optimus said. "That's it? After all we've been through together, see ya? What about our freedom to choose?" Miko asked. "That may fly on their planet, but not here on Earth." June said. She lifted Anna off the gurney, and much to her surprise, Anna ran to be with Jack, Miko, and Elsa. "Anna, come back here." June said.

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