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The Autobots were at the flight deck and shooting down the Vehicons. "The Omega Lock's control station is located on the lower deck." Ratchet explained dover the comms. "Come on!" Chromia said, and they infiltrated the warship.

Ratchet drove through the halls and transformed. "I am making my way there now." He said. "Copy, Ratchet. We will rendezvous at the objective. Arcee, lead stealth team to secure the Omega Lock. Ultra Magnus, you and the Wreckers storm the bridge. Prevent the Decepticons from targeting the device if stealth team is delayed." Optimus said.

"Optimus, if we fail to secure the Lock before it's ready to deploy, do we destroy it?" Arcee asked. "I do not intend to squander a second chance to restore Cybertron." Optimus said. Ultra Magnus threw a Vehicon into another. "Wreckers." He said, and Wheeljack and Bulkhead joined him. "Bee, Smokescreen, Chromia, Jetfire, Cyclonus, with me." Arcee said, and they took off down the halls.

Smokescreen saw Megatron ascend to the flight deck. "Smokescreen!" Arcee said. Smokescreen joined them. Megatron watched from the side of the Nemesis as Optimus dodged the turrets. He lept off the side and swung the Dark Star Saber. The purple umbra wave flew at Optimus.

The umbra wave damaged his jetpack, and Optimus landed one of the ship's wings. Megatron used wind to carry himself back to the warship. Optimus climbed up the wing.

Smokescreen transformed. "Go on without me." He said. "That isn't the mission." Chromia said. "There's something I need to do." Smokescreen said and phased into the wall.

Ratchet noticed two Vehicons guarding the entrance. He readied his swords, killed both Vehicons, and entered the chamber. He saw the tanks filling up with Cyber-Matter. "Shut it down, Shockwave. I cannot allow you to harm Earth." The medic said.

"The planet will not be harmed. Only its indigenous lifeforms." Shockwave said. "Over my Sparkless husk." Ratchet said. He lunged at Shockwave, but Shockwave threw him aside. Ratchet attacked, but Shockwave threw him into a canister. Ratchet ran at him again.

"Ratchet, we're approaching your position." Arcee said as she, Chromia, Jetfire, and Cyclonus ran down the hall. Starscream and his Seekers appeared. "What?" He asked. "Scrap." Jetfire said. "Attack!" Starscream commanded, and the Vehicons fired.

Knockout threw his tools around. "Pack light, pack light. Ooh. Pack smart." He said and grabbed his buffer.

Smokescreen phased into the vault and found what he wanted. "I was hoping you'd still be here." He said.

Soundwave monitored the terminal when the Wreckers blasted into the area. "Secure the bridge!" Ultra Magnus commanded. They shot the Vehicons down. Soundwave opened a Ground-Bridge beneath the Wreckers, and they fell into another room. More Vehicons surrounded them.

"Ultra Magnus to all units, we will be delayed. Soundwave pulled one of his relocation tricks." Ultra Magnus said. "Raf, can you get me onto the warship's bridge?" Jack asked. "Sure. Now that I have a fix on it. But you won't have a chance against Soundwave." Raf said. "I will if I have backup." Jack said.

Ratchet was thrown against the containers, and Shockwave aimed his cannon until the machine beeped. "Lord Megatron, the Omega Lock is fueled and ready." He reported. The floor opened above the Omega Lock. Optimus was standing on the wall and fired his mingun.

Optimus was shot and tackled to the lower part of the Omega Lock by Megatron. Megatron kicked the fallen minigun away. "Shockwave, commence Omega Lock firing sequence." He ordered. Shockwave pressed a button, and the Omega Lock started filling with the Cyber-Matter.

Knockout cautiously walked through the halls with his buffer. He turned a corner and hid when he found the Autobots battling the Vehicons. "Scrap!" He groaned.

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