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"Autobots, we remain vastly outnumbered, and, despite our munitions, do not currently possess the firepower necessary to compromise the Decepticon citadel." Ultra Magnus said.

"Uncle Sam's military does. I just can't let them make a move as long as Megatron's ray guns are pointed at Washington." Agent Fowler said. "Then we must infiltrate Darkmount in order to nullify its fusion cannons." Ultra Magnus said.

"Unfortunately, it seems the fortress is heavily shielded against unauthorized Ground-Bridges. Even those originating from Decepticon technology and Megatron will not hesitate to use the magic he took from Elsa to freeze us in a summery winter." Ratchet said. "Guess we'll have to sneak past enemy lines Wrecker style." Wheeljack said.

"I couldn't deal with 'Wrecker style' back on Cybertron, and I refuse to deal with it here." Ultra Magnus said. Wheeljack grumbled. "Now, we require a means of thinning the Decepticon ranks to even the odds if we're to have any hope of completing this mission or surviving it." Ultra Magnus said.

"I-I can't do this. I mean, sure, who wouldn't wanna be a Prime? But I'm really not ready for that kind of responsibility." Smokescreen said. "Smokescreen, the choice... is neither yours nor mine to make. When it is time, the Matrix of Leadership will present itself only to one whose Spark is worthy." Optimus wheezed.

Jack walked up to an old oil station. "Because it worked so well last time." He said and grabbed his phone. He sent a random message, and the Decepticons found it. "I knew the humans couldn't resist using their telecommunications. That is all they seem to do." Starscream said. "Seek and destroy." He commanded.

Multiple Vehicons did what they were told.

"I have 5 bogeys converging right on top of Jack." Raf said. "Not anymore." Ratchet said. A Ground-Bridge opened, and Jack ran through. He nodded. "Miko, your turn." Ratchet said.

Miko was in an alleyway back in New York. "Hello? I need two large pies. Sicilian. You deliver, right?" She asked. The Decepticons found her as well. Starscream laughed. "Humans. Stand by to Ground-Bridge." He ordered.

Soundwave pointed at the screen. "Soundwave, why can't you accept a little good fortune? The Autobots couldn't possibly stay hidden forever." Starscream said.

Miko jumped through a Ground-Bridge and entered the Harbinger. "I really could have used that pizza." She said. "I've tapped into the Decepticon communications network. Are you ready, Jack?" Ratchet asked. "Decepticon command, do you read me?" Jack asked in a poor imitation of a Vehicon. "Let me try. Decepticon command, do you read me?" Elsa asked while also poorly imitating a Vehicon, but did better than Jack.

"I remain unconvinced." Ultra Magnus said. "I will enhance your performance with static." Ratchet said. "Decepticon command, do you read me? We are under Autobot attack." Elsa said kn the computer with static. "It's one of our Energon mines. Insecticons, prepare for battle." Starscream commanded.

"Autobots, lock and load." Ultra Magnus said. Each Autobot held their respective weapons.

Agent Fowler had multiple fighter jets lined up at his base. "Keep your engines warm, boys. We launch the moment Ultra Magnus gives the all-clear." Agent Fowler said.

Vehicons were mining Energon when the Insecticons howled and a horde of them entered and transformed. "There must be some mistake, Commander Starscream. The mine is not under attack." A Vehicon said on the monitor. "What? How can that -" Starscream started. "Starscream! Explain why my forces are scattering across this globe." Megatron said.

"Renegade Autobot mischief, Lord Megatron. I am in the process of deducing how they are infiltrating our communication systems without a base of -" Starscream stopped when Soundwave displayed an image of the other half of the Harbinger. "The Harbinger." Starscream gasped.

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