Stronger, Faster

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Ratchet studied the first batch of the new Synthetic Energon. The atomic bonding process was truly impressive. "Hmm, surprisingly stable." He muttered. "Hey, Ratchy, is that Synthetic Energon thingy?" Anna asked. "Well, yes. In fact, I'm preparing to test the sample." Ratchet said, and attached the green Energon filled container to a large syringe.

"Can I watch?" Anna asked with puppy dog eyes. "Haha. We just add some to this test engine." Ratchet said and filled a machine with the Synthetic Energon. The blue lights turned to green, and before they knew it, the machine was running perfectly.

"It works! Cyclonus, Chromia! Come check this out!" Anna squealed. "Uh-uh! This iteration of the formula requires further trial before we can even think about using it for fuel, ammunition, or first aid. Which is rather unfortunate since our own Energon reserves are at an all-time low." Ratchet stopped her.

"Our severely outnumbered warriors have been rapidly burning through our stockpile of late as the Decepticon army continues to run us ragged and grind us down. Natural Energon is in such short supply on this planet. It's doubtful that Energon would be in your unreachable dimension as well. And Megatron seems to have his oily claws buried deep in all the Earth's deposits. Especially since Elsa told us he used Dark Energon to gain her magic. But if we can successfully produce a synthetic form, we can manufacture all the energy we'll ever need." He explained. "Do you think it could help Jetfire, too?" Anna asked. "Maybe. But Jetfire was the only one to be in stasis for eons while fully conscious. His mind may not be repairable ever again. Especially since he was also exposed to a chemical called Tox-En." Ratchet explained. "What's Toxin?" Anna asked. "'Tox-En'. It is a vial form of Energon that, in theory, can even overcome Dark Energon and kill whatever Cybertronian that uses it." Ratchet said. "Does that mean Elsa could be harmed?" Anna asked, scared. "No. Despite the Dark Energon that flows through your sisters veins, she is an organic being. Tox-En will have no effect on her." Ratchet said.

Then the monitor beeped with an alert. "More Energon on the move." Arcee said. "Again? I was about to buff Chromia's new finish." Cyclonus groaned. "Their revent activity suggests a familiar pattern. The Decepticons are desperately scouting for new deposits to mine." Optimus said. "Autobots -" Ratchet then cut in. "Optimus, if one of you comes back wounded this time, well, our Energon reserves are nearly depleted." He said.

"Understood. Activate the Ground-Bridge. Autobots, roll out!" Optimus ordered. Chromia transformed with Cyclonus. She had gained a new alt mode, which was a 2005 Cadillac CTS-V. Cyclonus gained a new mode as well. He abandoned his space jet for a blue General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. Courtesy of Agent Fowler himself.

"Sometimes I wish I could do more." Ratchet mumbled. "No, no, keep the Shanix." Jetfire grumbled in his sleep next to the medic.

Ratchet then got an idea. It was rather risky, though. He grabbed a vile of the Synthetic Energon, put it in a syringe, and injected the chemical into his arm. Ratchet groaned as his optics turned green. The Autobot fell down.

"Ratchy, wake up, wake up, wake up!" Anna yelled in Ratchet's face-plate. She climbed off his chassis. "How is it that such small beings can be so loud?" The medic groaned. "Up you go." Jetfire said from nearby and grabbed Ratchet's servo. "Are you hurt? You fell." Anna said.

"I'm fine. I'm..." Ratchet moved his arm. "More than fine." He said. He looked at his wrist monitor. His own Energon reserves were surprisingly up. "Energy efficiency is up 30%? Motor functions optimal? Any word from the others?" He questioned. Anna shook her head no.

Knockout and Breakdown drove through the canyon at night with Optimus, Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Chromia, and Cyclonus chasing them. "Knockout, can't we just bridge out of here? This cube's putting some serious drag on me!" Breakdown said. "The more we give the Autobots a workout, the more fuel they burn, and we win the Energon race." Knockout replied.

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