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"Lord Megatron." Shockwave bowed. "Shockwave. This is quite an unexpected turn. I thought you'd perished on Cybertron." Megatron said. Yes, as did we all." Starscream sputtered.

"Reports of my demise were greatly premature. A pair of Autobots infiltrated my facility on Cybertron, sabotaging my Space-Bridge. I gave chase but failed to accurately calculate the outcome. I awoke in the rubble blinded. It soon became clear that I was marooned on our dead planet with no means of communication. In time, I repaired my wounds and resumed my experiments. The solitude enabled me to make tremendous advances in my research. Until one day, my instruments detected a massive surge of unidentifiable energy. I traveled to investigate its origin at the edge of the Sea of Rust, where I encountered your salvage team and the smoldering wreckage of the Omega Lock. But this was not the search party I had anticipated so long ago. Leaving one unanswered question." Shockwave told.

He then looked at Starscream. "Why was I left for scrap, abandoned, why?" Shockwave asked. Starscream grew scared. "The-The explosion, it-it collapsed the power core chamber. The last thing anyone witnessed was you charging into the Space-Bridge. No one saw you come back out." Starscream nervously sputtered.

"I find your reply to be..." Shockwave moved his horns in thought. "... logical." He said. Megatron and Shockwave turned around. "But you will be pleased to know that I avenged your seeming demise by personally terminating the Autobot Cliffjumper." Starscream nervously chuckled and fluttered his wings like a butterfly to appear unworthy of termination.

"Careful, Starscream. You may dislocate a landing gear patting yourself on the back." Knockout said and rolled his red optics flirtatiously. "As Megatron's first lieutenant, allow me to welcome you back to the winning team." Starscream said. "And allow me to clarify the new chain of command: While Starscream will retain authority over military operations, Shockwave will be my first lieutenant in charge of all scientific endeavors." Megatron said.

"So you are saying we shall each report directly to you?" Starscream asked and lowered his wings. "Affirmative." Megatron said. He, Knockout, Soundwave, and Shockwave left Starscream in the room alone. "Completely logical, my liege." He fumed to himself.

"Hey, you guys hungry? There's a town up ahead." Arcee said. "Pizza!" Anna said happily. "Maybe not. I'm running low on cash." Jack said. Elsa and Anna groaned. "At least you don't have to buy gasoline. I'm pulling over anyway. I need to stretch my legs." Arcee said.

She pulled over to an old farmhouse, and the kids got off. Arcee transformed. "Oh, yeah." She said as she stretched and squeaked her metal skin. "Arcee, Team Prime is scattered to the winds. For all we know, we could be the only ones left." Jack said.

"I don't believe that, Jack. And I know you 3 don't either." Arcee said. "Maybe not, but the Decepticons outnumber us 100 to 1, and Megatron is basically a God with Elsa's magic. Aren't there any more Autobots out there who could help?" Jack asked. "The war for Cybertron took a heavy toll, but there were others who escaped in the Ark." Arcee said.

"Where are they now?" Elsa asked. Arcee grabbed a servo-full of dust and opened it. "Scattered to the winds." She said as the wind blew the dust out of her servo. "So let's focus on getting back to Jasper. On getting Team Prime back together." She said.

Bee buzzed at Raf. "Nada, Bee. Just the same old masks and bad cg. But the susual conspiracy websites might be our only chance to - Whoa! I found something! They're Ratchet, Chromia, Jetfire, and Cyclonus!" Raf said and looked at the four Autobots on the computer.

"Shockwave's toading is so transparent. Megatron's respect is earned by deeds, not words." Starscream said. "Useless, useless, useless. Billions of cameras in the hands of those miserable humans. One of them is bound to catch an Autobot eventually." He muttered as he searched the web, then found a picture of Ratchet, Chromia, Jetfire, and Cyclonus. "Well, well, well. What have we here?" He asked.

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