Alpha Omega

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"Forgive me, Lord Megatron. While I do not question the wisdom of our tactical retreat, know that I am fully prepared to lead the troops in a counter-attack against the Autobots." Dreadwing said.

"Counter-attack? Perhaps you failed to notice Optimus Prime cleave an entire mountain with a single blow. Not even the magic I took from Elsa can top the Star Saber. With that weapon in his possession, my enemy can obliterate us all with a wave of his hand. I must find a way to tip the balance of power back in our favor." Megatron said.

"Do we not also possess a powerful relic of the ancients?" Dreadwing asked. "Indeed, the Forge of Solus Prime. But it is useless except in the hand of a Prime." Megatron started laughing darkly. "But I might wield that power if I were to control such a hand." He said.

"Optimus, what is Alpha Trion saying?" Ratchet asked. "I wish that I could meet you under better circumstances, Optimus Prime. But I fear that Iacon will not withstand the next Decepticon assault." Alpha Trion said. "So, you speak to me from across the ages." Optimus said.

"If you are listening to this message, then I take solace that you now possess the Star Saber. I am certain that you have deduced how these Cybertronian relics and Decepticon weapons came to be found on such a remote world. Indeed, I transported them there not so much to keep them far from Megatron's hands, but to ensure that they reach yours. As you may have long suspected, the Covenant of Primus records events of the future as well as the past. My imperfect understanding of its runes affords me a shadowy glimpse of what is to come. The Covenants pages foretold that you, Optimus Prime, would journey to the small but significant planet, and there engage in a crucial chapter in the war against the Decepticons. I know neither the nature of the battle nor its outcome. I only hope that these relics of the ancients will aid the Autobots in your time of need. Of utmost importance, in a few moments, I will launch the last of the relics, the most significant and powerful of them all." Alpha Trion said.

Optimus returned to the real world and nearly fell down. "Easy, Optimus." Ratchet said. "So did Alpha Trion ask about me?" Smokescreen asked. "What was the message?" Bulkhead asked and shoved Smokescreen aside.

"It is paramount that we recover the final six Iacon Relics. The Omega Keys." Optimus said. "Keys?" Arcee asked. "To what?" Ratchet asked. "To the regeneration of our home planet." Optimus said.

"Earth's Moon is a barren rock. Is it not?" Dreadwing asked as the Nemesis approached Earth's only natural satellite. "Indeed, Dreadwing. But the Moon is not our destination." Megatron said. They both saw a giant Space-Bridge behind the Moon. "A Space-Bridge?" Dreadwing asked.

"Our very own. Relocated here after the Autobots discovered its whereabouts on Earth. The dark side of the Moon is hidden from prying human eyes and, more importantly, well out of the Autobots reach. Come, Dreadwing. We shall travel to the one place in the galaxy, which may provide us a means of defeating Optimus Prime." Megatron said, and he and Dreadwing transformed and flew for the Space-Bridge.

"Pack your gear. We're going back to Cybertron!" Bulkhead said. Bee buzzed happily. Ratchet laughed. "Well, believe it now, Bumblebee. Civilization at last." He said. "But I just got here." Smokescreen said. "Remember oil baths? The first thing I'm gonna do, planetside, is soak for an entire solar cycle." Chromia said.

"I can't wait to tell Miko!" Bulkhead said. "And Jack, Elsa, and Anna." Arcee said. Bee buzzed softly and looked down.

"Optimus, keys open doors. Can they really revive an entire planet?" Smokescreen asked. "While I am unfamiliar with the lore of these Omega Keys, Alpha Trion knew many secrets, and the ancients possessed technology that has long been lost to what we consider modern science." Optimus said.

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