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On the Nemesis, Starscream was giving himself a speech with Soundwave listening. "I have been a fool. Made mistakes. Monumental ones. I now realize that I was never destined to be a leader. Or even an equal partner, and I'm at peace with that. I have gained a clear understanding of my place in this universe. Of who I am. Of who I was always meant to be. Starscream. Second in Command. Humble servant to Lord Megatron. Thank you for listening, Soundwave." Starscream thanked and left for the main control room.

"Is this true?!" Megatron demanded. He and Airachnid were conversing. "Starscream never mentioned it?" Airachnid asked. "If he's up to his old tricks, I shall grind him into powder." Megatron threatened. Starscream awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Starscream." Megatron said darkly. "Lord Megatron, please excuse Airachnid's impertinence. Now, what was it that I allegedly failed to mention?" Starscream asked. "The Harbinger." Megatron said. Starscream gasped. "What about it?" He nervously asked.

"Eons ago, a Decepticon transport crash landed on this planet." Airachnid said. "Oh, please. Common knowledge. I scouted the crash site when we first arrived on Earth." Starscream said. "Then I presume you recovered the experimental weapon prototype thr Harbinger had been transporting?" Airachnid asked.

"Where is the crash site?" Megatron asked. "It was never logged into your ships database." Airachnid said. "You failed to record the coordinates of a Decepticon transport?!" Megatron angrily asked.

"An oversight, Master. But, I noted its exact location." Starscream defended. "Then you can lead Airachnid there so that she may retrieve the prototype for me." Megatron said. "My personal native guide. How delightful." Airachnid said.

Above Autobot base, Arcee qas talking to her deceased partner Cliffjumper. "Hey, partner. Heck of a view you got up here. If there's even a small chance your Spark is out there listening, well, we could really use you, Cliff. Seems like every day another Decepticon arrives on the scene. We're outnumbered and outgunned. Yeah, I know what you'd say, 'Sounds like a fair fight.' And if that's the world we live in, so be it. I just want you to know I haven't given up." Arcee said while beginning to hold back Energon tears. "I'm gonna find the 'Con who took you from us." She promised.

Starscream landed in a clearing in the forest, with the Harbinger supposedly underneath him. He heard a helicopter engine, and Airachnid made her appearance and transformed. "Your chosen vehicle mode lacks thrust." Starscream said. "Are you going to preen, or are you going to guide?" Airachnid asked.

"I will reveal the exact location of the Harbinger when you tell me exactly what we're looking for." Starscream said. "That information is need-to-know. And right now, you don't." Airachnid said.

"Oh, you would do well to respect me, Airachnid. Before I joined Megatron, I was the air commander of a squadron of Energon Seekers." Starscream told her. "On Cybertron. And how many eons ago was that?" Airachnid asked. "Just recently, I personally vanquished one of Optimus Prime's fiercest warriors, Cliffjumper." Starscream said.

"You snuffed an Autobot?" Airachnid asked with the voice of a hateful oldee sister. "Yes, I did. Without mercy." Starscream said. "Oh. Even Megatron showed you mercy when he planned to terminate you at the mine." Airachnid said. "What? He told you about that?" Starscream asked. "We talk." Airachnid said.

Starscream gave up the location. "The wreckage lies just beneath where we stand. I will need to find a point of entry." Starscream said. Airachnid started drilling her way down into the Harbinger. "Show off!" Starscream said.

He found Airachnid crawling in the ceiling. "Suit yourself. I conducted a thorough search of this husk years ago." He said. Airachnid activated an old terminal. "What are you doing?" Starscream asked. "Accessing the cargo manifest. Or, didn't you think to do that during your thorough search?" Airachnid asked. "Idiot. The ship's systems haven't been activated for eons. The Autobots could detect its energy signature." Starscream said.

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