Project Predacon

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The repaired Harbinger hovered above a human base, and Optimus was hosted in one of the warehouses as Agent Fowler came in with a strong vehicle. "Prime, what we have here is an experimental all-terrain, expeditionary, fighting vehicle designed by the finest engineers in our M.A.S.K. division." Agent Fowler said.

Thank you, Agent Fowler. This will most certainly do." Optimus said. He scanned the vehicle without Agent Fowler getting himself scanned this time around.

The next day, in the bridge of the Harbinger, a Ground-Bridge activated. "Return trajectory fluctuations have been stabilized." Raf said. "Ultra Magnus, we are ready to receive." Ratchet said.

A blue semi-truck that was similarly designed to Optimus' old truck form came through. Bee grabbed an Energon canister from the truck, and it transformed into Ultra Magnus. "We didn't find much else in the rubble of the former base." The commander said.

Wheeljack came through next with a ball of twisted metal. "You call this 'not much else'?" He asked sarcastically. He launched the ball at Bulkhead, and it bounced off his chassis. Jack grabbed Elsa and pulled her away before the metal ball crashed into the entrance to the bridge next to them.

"Wheeljack! You could have caused serious damage!" Ratchet reprimanded. "To me and Jackie!" Elsa added. Agent Fowler stood up in the hall outside the bridge. "What in the Sam Hill?" The door opened, but the metal ball blocked him from entering the bridge. "A little help here?" He asked. "What were you thinking, soldier?" Ultra Magnus asked.

"I was thinking Bulk could catch that lob." Wheeljack said. "Allow me to make myself clear. As Optimus Prime's Second in Command, I have no intention of tolerating Wrecker behavior." Ultra Magnus said. "Some things never change." Wheeljack said sarcastically.

"Jackie." Bulkhead warned. "Need I remind you that it was Optimus Prime himself who assigned me to command you Wreckers back on Cybertron and get you lose cannons under control? An effective combat unit begins with discipline. If you won't accept that, feel free to choose the path of least resistance as you did before." Ultra Magnus said.

"If my ship weren't a twisted wreck at present, or the Harbinger had escape pods, I'd do that, sir." Wheeljack said. Everyone stared at Magnus. "Ah, so, any word from Optimus?" Ultra Magnus asked. "He's investigating recent Decepticon activity. Hopefully, an Energon mine. At least Starscream was courteous enough to leave some cubes here for us. Too bad we had to remove the Dark Energon Elsa put in the power core and repaired the ship to prevent it from gaining sentience and killing us all." Chromia said.

Optimus flew through the air and spotted a hole in a mountain. He flew down. The hole was too small for him, so he transformed and drove in.

"How rad would it be if you all had jetpacks or could fly like Optimus, Cyclonus, and Jetfire?" Miko asked. "Quite rad, Miko. But the Forge has been depleted of its power to do that." Ratchet said. "Now, it's only good for pounding out things." Bulkhead said.

A familiar car, but with a blue and gold paint job, drove into the bridge. "Smokescreen?" Arcee asked. Smokescreen transformed. "Ah, what gave me away?" Smokescreen asked. Arcee stared at him. "Come on. Robots in disguise, right?" Smokescreen asked.

Ultra Magnus approached him. "Where have you been, soldier?" He asked. "Scanning new war paint. Thought it'd be proactive to follow Optimus' lead and Bumblebee's." Smokescreen said. Bee buzzed. "Now, you can look your best while carrying those empty cubes into the ship's vault and stacking them." Ultra Magnus said.

"Yes, sir." Smokescreen said. "I was nearly a Prime, but somehow I'm still a rookie." He grumbled. Ratchet heard him. "What was that about a Prime?" He asked. "Uh, no, time. Time to stop acting like a rookie." Smokescreen said. "Smokescreen was the only one who went back. If it weren't for him, Optimus might not be with us today." Arcee said.

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