Darkest Hour

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"Not how I wanted to spend my first trip to Cybertron." Miko said. "Starscream." Megatron said. "Jack, Elsa, it's time to come out and play." Starscream said as he put Jack down and scratched Elsa's pod with his clawed digits and picked Jack back up.

"Go ahead. The Autobots were prepared to sacrifice themselves for my planet, I'll do the same for theirs." Elsa said. "So will I." Jack asked. "Me too." Anna said. "Me three, creepy." Miko said. Raf didn't say a word to Soundwave. "Perhaps we should oblige them." Megatron said.

"If my decision dooms the future of the Autobot cause on Cybertron, so be it. But I will never forsake our human allies." Optimus said and planted the Star Saber into the ground and backed up to the other Autobots. Arcee deactivated the Apex Armor and threw it to the Star Saber.

Bee, Bulkhead, and Smokescreen threw the Immobilizer, Phase Shifter, and Polarity Gauntlet. "Now, if you please, the Omega Keys. One at a time." Megatron said. "You first, big boy." Knockout said. Bulkhead hesitated but walked forward. "If I don't get the girl, I'll make you eat this key." He said as he gave Keys the Omega Key. "You're welcome." Knockout said and gave Miko to Bulkhead.

"Get scrapped." Miko said. Bee stepped forward. "As Anna has no importance to me, you can take her and Raf for one key." Megatron said. Soundwave gave Anna and Raf to Bee, and he gave the spy-master the Omega Key. "If these two humans were important enough to entrust with the Matrix of Leadership, they each are worth two Omega keys." Megatron said.

Arcee and Smokescreen stepped forward as Starscream put Elsa and Jack down. "No tricks, the keys, if you please." He said and opened his servos. Arcee and Smokescreen gave him the Omega Keys. Arcee gave Jack and Elsa a sad look. A portal opened, and dozens of Vehicons came through and surrounded them. Bee set Anna down next to Arcee.

The monitor beeped. "Optimus, were you successful?" Ratchet asked. "Ratchet? It's June Darby. How are you?" June asked. Ratchet sputtered. "Busy, miss Darby. I am expecting urgent news from the Autobots." He said. "Oh. Are Jack, Elsa, and Anna with them?" June asked. "No, why?" Ratchet asked.

"I haven't seen them all day, and Jack isn't returning my calls." June said. "I wi have Jack contact you immediately should I hear from him. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must keep the comm lines clear." Ratchet hung up. "Ratchet? Hello?" June asked.

"Now bare witness as a new era dawns on Cybertron." Megatron said as he inserted two Omega Keys into the pedestal. Starscream put his two in as well. Knockout and Soundwave inserted the last two. "Behold, the Age of the Decepticons!" Megatron yelled as the Omega Lock charged on.

He pressed a button, and a beam of Cyber-Matter erupted from the side. It struck a nearby building. The pieces were lifted, and the building became shiny and new. "By the Allspark." Optimus muttered. "Cool." Anna whispered. "Instant home makeover." Miko observed.

"Shiny." Knockout said. "You have what you want, Megatron. This conflict is between Autobots and Decepticons. Allow me to return the humans to Earth." Optimus said. "Oh, I wouldn't recommend it. They'll be far safer here." Megatron said.

Optimus was confused. "Is the Space-Bridge locked on target?" Megatron asked. "Per your instructions, Lord Megatron." Starscream said. "Excellent. Why rule only one world when I could rule two?" Megatron inquired. A Space-Bridge opened over the Omega Lock. Megatron pressed another button, and the Cyber-Matter erupted from the top. "No." Optimus whispered.

The Space-Bridge orbiting the Moon opened, and the Cyber-Matter beam jetted towards Earth.

June called Jack again. The area shook, making June gasp. She ran out of the garage and dropped her phone as Jack's voicemessage played. She saw the Cyber-Matter beam in the distance. "Optimus, do you read? An unknown energy spike in Earth's atmosphere is crashing all my systems. Please tell me this is related to the activation of the Omega Lock." Ratchet whispered.

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