Hard Knocks

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Soundwave was busy decoding the last 3 Iacon coordinates. Megatron laughed. "You should have seen Optimus Prime's face when his precious Star Saber shattered like glass, and with it his dreams of an Autobot victory. Granted, Optimus will be more determined more than ever to discover the locations of the remaining Iacon entries before we can." He said.

A white set of coordinates appeared over the cluster of coordinates on the front of the ship. "Ah, very good. I see you have decoded the next set of coordinates." Megatron said. "Way to step things up, Soundwave. I do hope this Iacon Relic is something less sacred and more profane. Like an electro-disruptor cannon. We could use one of those." Knockout said as he entered the bridge.

"Indeed, Knockout. Dreadwing, report to the bridge immediately." Megatron ordered. "Please, Lord Megatron, allow me the honor of retrieving this relic for you." Knockout said. "I'm surprised you would risk your finish so soon after your accident." Megatron said.

Knockout scowled. "Nonetheless, I remain unconvinced that you are the best choice for the task since you failed to secure the Phase Shifter." Megatron said. "I lacked the proper tools, but since Soundwave's currently occupied, I can't imagine he'll mind if I borrowed this so that I might better secure your prize and heap some hurt on the Autobots." Knockout said and held the Resonance Blaster.

Optimus continued decoding the last Iacon coordinates. "I'm gonna be a great warrior someday, like Optimus." Smokescreen said. "Well, train hard, and gain some wisdom along the way, and I'm sure it'll happen." Bulkhead said. "Oh, it will. It's my destiny." Smokescreen said.

Bee buzzed in confusion. "How so?" Arcee asked. "Well, one minute I'm on security detail at Iacon. The next, I wake up on the other side of the galaxy to find myself under Optimus' command. I mean, what are the chances, right? Things happen for a reason." Smokescreen said.

"We get it, Smokescreen. You're special. We're lucky to have you." Arcee said sarcastically. "All I'm really saying is I've come a long way, and this is one opportunity I don't plan on messing up." Smokescreen said.

"Autobots, the next Iacon coordinates have been decoded. Ratchet, ready the Ground-Bridge." Optimus said. "Last one to the Omega Key has to scrub the Energon tanks for a week." Smokescreen challenged. "Didn't know we were keeping score." Arcee said.

"Arcee, Bumblebee, prepare to roll out." Optimus said. Bee buzzed. "Wait, what about me?" Smokescreen asked. "Huh." Bulkhead said. "I mean, me and the rest?" Smokescreen corrected. "The rest of you will remain here in the event I am able to decode a subsequent database entry before the others return." Optimus said.

"Optimus is right. Considering the very fate of Cybertron is at stake, response time is critical." Ratchet said. He activated the Ground-Bridge. "Keep your engines idling, kid. Come on, Bee. Destiny awaits." Arcee said. They both transformed and entered the portal. "We call it a pit stop. We'll get back in the race." Bulkhead said as he playfully pushed Smokescreen.

The portal opened onto a dock, and Bee and Arcee transformed. "Over there." Arcee said. The Omega Key sat on a pedestal. "Well, well. Just the Autobots I wanted to see." Knockout said as he emerged from behind the rock. "I'll handle the mad doctor. You grab the key." Arcee said and readied her cannons.

"I've been waiting to thank you both for all the memories." Knockout said maliciously and fired the Resonance Blaster. The wave blew Arcee away and pinned Bee into a wall. "Who knew that sound waves could be such a knock out?" Knockout asked.

He pinned Arcee into the wall as she tried to grab the Omega Key. "What's that, dear? I can't hear you!" Knockout taunted. "Bee, the relic!" Arcee strained. Knockout deactivated the relic and saw Bee stumble for the relic. "Scrap!" He cursed and saw Arcee stumble for the relic as well. "How low can it go?" Knockout asked.

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