Orion Pax Part 1

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"In hindsight, we accomplished what was required. With Unicron's awakening, extreme measures needed to be taken. Enemies became allies, allies became confidants, and with the Matrix of Leadership, the planet Earth was saved. Though at immeasurable personal cost. When Optimus surrendered the Matrix, he lost more than the collective wisdom of the Primes. He lost himself." Ratchet said.

"That doesn't follow. Optimus knew Megatron." Chromia said. "They were like BFFs!" Bulkhead added. Bee buzzed with them on that. "If Optimus did not know his own name, perhaps it is because the title of Prime hasn't yet been granted to him." Ratchet said. "Huh?" Agent Fowler said. "What?" Elsa asked. "Say again." Miko said.

"With the power of the Matrix no longer within him, it would stand to reason that Optimus has reverted to his Pre-Prime state. The historical archivist Orion Pax." Ratchet said. "You mean in his mind?" June asked. "Are you telling me Prime thinks he's some kind of librarian AND a Decepticon?!" Agent Fowler snapped.

Aboard the Nemesis, Megatron gave a message. "Attention, crew, our guest is currently in isolation to help ease his transition. But when Orion Pax emerges, he is to be shown every courtesy, and the first to address him as 'Optimus Prime' will have their voice-box torn out." Megatron casually threatened.

"Lord Megatron, is it wise to allow an Autobot, current or former, full run of the premises?" Airachnid asked. "Nothing happens aboard this ship without my knowledge. You would do well to remember that, Airachnid. But there's no need for concern, Orion does not possess the same fight Optimus is so renowned for." Megatron said.

"Then what use is he to our cause?" Airachnid asked. "Ah, rest assured, Orion Pax will indeed earn his stripes." Megatron said.

In the medical lab, Knockout was torching something onto Orion's shoulder. "Welcome back to the winning team." He said as he finished Orion's new Decepticon symbol.

"Being a Decepticon is a choice, Agent Fowler. One that I have a hard time believing Optimus would make at any point in his life." Ratchet said. "So, if he's with the Decepticons." Jetfire started. "It's because Megatron's working some kind of voodoo." Arcee finished.

"Orion Pax may not currently be an Autobot up here, but I must believe he will never stop being one in here." Ratchet put his servo on his chassis, motioning to his Spark-Chamber. "We must locate him to know for certain." He finished.

"Hold on, I have a chip lodged in my behind that let's Uncle Sam know when I stop for donuts. Are you telling me you can't just track Prime?" Agent Fowler asked. "Optimus' signal has not reappeared since he embarked for Earth's core. But we must get to work finding him if we have any hope of initiating his contingency plan." Ratchet said.

"Contingency plan?" Cyclonus asked. "What contingency?" Bulkhead asked. "Is that even a word?" Miko asked. "The key cards. So what do they do?" Jack asked. "They grant access to Vector Sigma. The repository of the wisdom of the Primes." Ratchet said.

"Is that some sort of supercomputer?" Raf asked. "So we can just download Optimus' memories back into him? Great! Which one's the Big V? Over here? Somewhere in back?" Jack asked. "Vector Sigma is more than a supercomputer, children. It is an ancient source of mystical power. On Cybertron." Ratchet said.

Megatron walked into the main control room, with Orion close behind. The Vehicons gave him an awkward look. "You have been a captive of the Autobots and locked in Stasis for quite some time, Orion. Long enough for us to be an exodus on another world." Megatron said.

"Exodus? Why?" Orion asked. "Because the warlord Ratchet's careless actions led to this." Megatron pressed a button, and Orion's optics widened in shock and sadness. "Cybertron!" He gasped, then grew angry, and Megatron hid a smile.

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