Minus One

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Megatron and Starscream surveyed the metallic Cyber-Matter structure. "Simply put, this combination of elements could allow us to cyberform entire worlds." Shockwave said. "Why do I feel a Shockwave plan coming on?" Starscream asked, then Shockwave grabbed him.

"Do not think for a moment, Starscream, that it has gone unnoticed that you left me at the mercy of the Autobots!" He growled. "Master! Are you going to allow one lieutenant to harm another?" Starscream asked. "Master?" He asked again. "I'm thinking." Megatron said.

Shockwave pushed him forward and held his helm above a Cyber-Matter spike. "I am tempted to force you to share my perception of things." Shockwave snarled. "No! I only did what I thought was best for the mission. But I feel compelled to add that it was my very error in judgment that made this happy accident possible." Starscream said.

Shockwave still held on. "If I recollect, you were seeking to purge your laboratory of sensitive materials before the Autobots arrived. Were you not?" Starscream asked. "Your argument... is logical." Shockwave said and let him go. "Exemplary teamwork. Now, tell me, Shockwave, why does this Cyber-Matter resemble chaos?" Megatron asked.

"The basic elements are apparently unstable. I will turn my attention to correcting that." Shockwave said. "Ah. Nevertheless, should we use this Cyber-Matter to Cybertron or cyberform Earth, we would require a launch mechanism, would we not? Then, we will focus all our remaining resources upon the successful reconstruction of the Omega Lock." Megatron said.

The Autobots and the humans watched Ratchet finish repairing Ultra Magnus. "I've dome everything I can. Considering the limitations of my equipment and less than ideal spare parts." Ratchet revealed a claw for Magnus' servo.

"It remains uncertain if Ultra Magnus' new appendage will be fit for battle. Though, it should prove functional after the requisite amount of therapy." Ratchet finished.

"That is all we can hope for, old friend." Optimus said. "You doing okay?" Arcee asked. "I'm still two-fisted." Wheeljack said. "So is Magnus." Chromia said. "Wait and see. The claw's gonna become his signature. You know, like the way you own that voice-box Ratchet slapped in your throat." Smokescreen said. Bee buzzed upset.

"I mean, you know, everyone understands you fine. Why would you even consider getting it fixed now, am I right?" Smokescreen asked. Bee buzzed furiously and marched away. "What did he say?" Anna asked. "Bee's kind of still attached to the sound of his own voice. His original one." Raf translated.

"Hey, look at the bright, shiny side. Commander Magnus and Jackie single-handedly put the kibosh on Project Predacon." Bulkhead said. "Though at least one beast that we know of remains. The one who has demonstrated the ability to transform." Optimus said.

The Nemesis hovered in orbit around Earth. "Predaking, we will soon plot our strike against the Autobots to punish them for the massecre of your kind." Megatron said. "While I fully intend to exact my revenge, Project Predacon was merely a squadron, not an army." Predaking said.

"I see." Megatron said. "My liege, if you truly aspire to restore our homworld, then I have every faith that you will resurrect the entirety of the Predacon race from the remains which lie there. So that I may lead them against any and all of our shared enemies." Predaking said.

"We salvaged much of the wreckage of the Omega Lock. But the damage was quite severe, I would urge the selective use of Earth technology. Retrofitting its operating systems will be more efficient than rebuilding from scratch." Shockwave explained.

"Then do provide Starscream with your wishlist. Since Shockwave must turn his attention to the stabilization of our Cyber-Matter, you will be in charge of acquisitions." Megatron said.

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