Predacons Rising Part 2

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Back on Cybertron, cranes carried metal poles and shrapnel around. Bulkhead examined a data pad until he noticed the Vehicons messing up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! How are you gonna attach the cladding when the framing structure's incomplete, huh?" He asked.

The Vehicons set to work on fixing their mistake. Bulkhead raised a servo, but the Vehicons bumped into another group of Vehicons. Two fell off the ridge as the equipment fell, too. Bulkhead groaned. He noticed Chromia drive towards him and transform. "Labor issues?" She asked. "Any news of our fugitives?" Bulkhead asked.

"Just signs of recent scavenging in former Decepticon installations." Chromia said. "The warships can't detect their life-signals?" Bulkhead asked. "Shockwave must have found a way to shield or disable them." Chromia said. "I'll feel better when that gruesome twosome are locked up with the others." Bulkhead said.

In the holding cell aboard the Nemesis, Knockout and the Vehicons were banging their pedes and servos around until Bee answered them. "Okay, you got my attention. What do you want?" He asked. "We're prisoners of war. We have rights! When are we going to have access to an oil bath?" Knockout asked.

"When are you going to tell me where I can find your pals?" Bee asked. "I told you before. Shockwave had dozens of secret labs hidden across Cybertron. Top secret." Knockout said. "A shame. Your finish is looking pretty drab." Bee said and held Knockout's buffer. "I don't know where they are, I swear! But I have an idea where you might try looking." Knockout said.

"Someone may want to think about renaming the Sea of Rust. I'm just saying. Though I was hoping more of us would be rushing back here to see it. You know, now that it's all bright and shiny." Smokescreen said as he, Ultra Magnus, and Cyclonus drove and flew through the Sea of Rust.

"Cybertron will populate in time, kid. You have to remember, refugees could be returning from light years away." Ultra Magnus said. Cyclonus' GPS beeped. "Hey, I found movement. Two contacts at .84." He said. He transformed and landed with Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen as they transformed and readied their weapons. "Approach with caution." Ultra Magnus advised.

They saw three Cybertronians scrounging through rocks. "My name is Ultra Magnus. Are you Autobot or Decepticon?" Ultra Magnus asked. The 3 Cybertronians turned around. One was a femm while the other two were mechs. The femm had dark red armor like Predaking. The one with a yellow face-plate giggled. "Neither." The third one said, and they all transformed into beasts.

"Predacons!" Ultra Magnus identified. The dark red Predacon tackled Cyclonus away as the second threw Magnus around, and the third grabbed Smokescreen.

Ultra Magnus shot of the Predacon, but he knocked him away. Ultra Magnus kept firing, and the Predacon spread its wings. Cyclonus punched the dark red Predacon, and it spread its own wings and started flying. Cyclonus grabbed its tail, and they swerved around. Cyclonus climbed up the side of the femm and punched her helm.

The femm hit the Predacon Magnus was holding on to, and they both hit a building.

Smokescreen shot his Predacon but was thrown into a building. Debris landed on Smokescreen as the Predacon appeared. Its mouth-plate started glowing. Ultra Magnus and Cyclonus punched the other two Predacons away and saw the third one blow fire at Smokescreen.

Ultra Magnus raised his cannon, but the dark red Predacon grabbed him and threw him into the floor.

The third Predacon growled happily when Smokescreen was no more. But then the rookie came out of the side of the building unharmed. "Phase beats flame every time!" He said.

Smokescreen saw the other Predacon throw Ultra Magnus into Cyclonus. "Scrap!" He said. The Predacon ran at him, and Smokescreen phased into the building and out the bottom and charged for his allies as the Predacon followed. "Bumblebee, I need an emergency Ground-Bridge, stat!" Smokescreen said. He transformed as the dark blue Predacon swung its claw at Magnus, but Smokescreen touched him, and the claw went through them.

The golden Predacon crashed into the other two. "Hang tight, chief. I'm getting you out of here." Smokescreen said as he and Cyclonus dragged Magnus towards a portal. The Predacons saw and ran at them, but the portal closed. They all roared.

Smokescreen and Cyclonus stood in a hallway of the Nemesis as a Space-Bridge opened, and Ratchet came through. "Where's the patient?" He asked.

Magnus groaned as Ratchet scanned him. "He is suffering from a multitude of internal injuries, most quite severe." The Autobot medic said. "So anyone care to explain what 3 more Predacons are doing on Cybertron?" Arcee asked. "I thought Optimus said new life wasn't possible without the Allspark." Bulkhead said.

"I'm no authority, but something tells me cloning old bones doesn't constitute new life." Bee said. "Shockwave's been playing in his lab since the war. Why stop now?" Bulkhead asked. "Doesn't matter where those beasts came from. We got to take them down." Smokescreen said.

"If Shockwave's back in business, there could be more of them. A lot more." Bee said. "We need to call Optimus." Cyclonus said. "Really, Bulk? And interrupt his quest to save the future of our race on Cybertron?" Arcee asked.

Wheeljack's ship flew towards an asteroid belt. "Why send the Allspark to Theta-Scorpio, one of the most hazardous star systems in the galaxy?" Wheeljack asked. "Precisely to deter Megatron from searching this region for it." Optimus said. "With all the gamma bursts and planetoid collisions out here, how can you be sure it survived?" Wheeljack asked.

"The Allspark itself is comprised of pure energy. In order to contain it and launch it off-world, Alpha Trion forged a vessel capable of extracting it from the ether. It is this indestructible reliquary we seek." Optimus said. "I'll try not to scratch the paint on this tub, but no promises." Wheeljack said.

"We cannot risk being stranded if our ship is damaged. It is best that you remain here, Wheeljack." Optimus said. "You're the boss." Wheeljack said. The entrance hatch lowered, and Optimus flew into the dangerous asteroid field.

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