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"You know, I might not be the first human on Cybertron, but I can still be the furst human exchange student." Miko said. "Why didn't you tell us about the Omega Keys before?" Jack asked. "You probably haven't noticed, but things have been kind of intense around here lately." Arcee said.

"So, you guys could really be going home soon, huh?" Raf asked. "Don't worry, Raf. You'll come visit. Once we get our place set up, he can bunk with us. Right, Bulk?" Miko asked. "Uh, Miko." Bulkhead started. "You are taking me with you, right?" Miko asked.

"Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves here? Not only do we lack any actual method of reaching Cybertron, but Starscream now controls the sole means of our planet's restoration." Ratchet said. "As far as we know." Optimus said.

"You think Starscream's rejoined the 'Cons?" Smokescreen asked. "He could've used the Omega Keys to buy back Megatron's favor." Chromia said. "Without first trying to sell them to the highest bidder? It wouldn't surprise me if he had the nerve to contact us. And -" Ratchet was interruby beeping by the monitor. "Okay, that's weird." Bulkhead said.

"Is it Starscream?" Cyclonus asked. "No, it is Dreadwing, and he wants to meet." Ratchet said. The Autobots drove through a Ground-Bridge and transformed with their weapons at the ready. "Drop your weapons!" Jetfire said. "Hands where we can see them!" Smokescreen commanded.

Dreadwing stepped out of the fog. "I am not here to fight, but to give you this." He motioned to the Forge of Solus Prime in front of him. "The Forge of Solus Prime." Cyclonus said. "Could be rigged to blow." Bulkhead said. "Dreadwing, what do you ask in return?" Optimus asked. "Only that you use it wisely." Dreadwing said.

"And the Omega Keys?" Arcee asked. "In Megatron's possession, under heaviest guard." Dreadwing said. "Scream did make a deal with the 'Cons." Bulkhead said. "Why?" Optimus asked. "A shadow of disgrace has been cast upon the Decepticons. It is a cause I no longer wish to be part of." Dreadwing said.

"Then I appeal to you again, join us, and help end this conflict once and for all." Optimus offered. "Betraying my kind is not the same as accepting yours." Dreadwing said. He jumped off a cliff, transformed, and left.

Optimus held the Forge. "It's no Star Saber, but I bet it can shatter Megatron's blade and put some dents into that ugly mug of his." Smokescreen said. "It's not that kind of hammer." Arcee said. "With the Decepticons in possession of all 6 Omega Keys, a more appropriate use of the Forge would be to use it to replicate our own." Ratchet said.

"Even with such power, their reconstruction would require a level of expertise I do not possess." Optimus said. "I guess we better hope Megatron doesn't destroy the keys to prevent anyone from ever going home." Chromia said.

"Megatron may be evil, but I believe he will use the keys for their intended purpose." Optimus said. "Well, I say we let him keep them and do the work for us." Bulkhead suggested. Everyone stared at him. Well, I mean, what difference does it make who restores Cybertron?" Bulkhead asked.

"If Megatron revives Cybertron, he will no doubt use it to his political advantage." Optimus said. Bulkhead sputtered. "You lost me." He said. "In all likelihood, the leader of the Decepticons will portray himself as our planet's savior and brand all Autobots as war criminals." Optimus said. "The grand deception continues." Arcee said.

"Megatron's so-called achievement could influence Cybertron for eons to come. Poisoning the Sparks and minds of its returning citizens. Hardly the ideal way to begin a new age." Ratchet said. "But there is hope. For while Megatron may have the keys, he has yet to discover the existence of the Omega Lock itself." Optimus said.

"Omega Lock?" Jetfire asked. "Wait, now you lost me." Arcee said. "That which the six relics were designed to activate. We must locate the device before Megatron does and secure it until we can recover the keys." Optimus said.

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