One Shall Fall

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"And it was written in the Covenant of Primus that when the 47 spheres align a perpetual conflict will culminate upon a world forged from chaos, and the weak shall perish in the shadow of a rising darkness." Optimus explained. "No sky is raining fire?" Chromia asked.

"Goes without saying. It is a doom prophecy, after all." Ratchet said. "I think it's just a bunch of garbage." Cyclonus said. "The prophecy is not something that you should ever joke about, little man." Jetfire warned. "Will he ever stop?" Bulkhead asked. "He's made a good recovery. In time, Jetfire's mind will be back to normal. But, back to the subject: I'd always assumed the ancients were referring to our home planet, but being that Cybertron has been dark for eons -" Ratchet said. "- And considering what has befallen this planet since Megatron's arrival here." Optimus said.

"Whoa, whoa whoa, we've known about these superstitions for ages and never gave them a second thought." Cyclonus said. "Why now?" Chromia asked. "Because the planetary alignment to which the prophecy refers is nearly upon us." Optimus said. "And it would seem its end point is Earth." Ratchet added.

"Crazy coincidence, right?" Bulkhead asked. "How long are we talking?" Arcee asked. "A few days at most." Ratchet said. "However unsettling this revelation may be I am more concerned about those who might believe that the prophecy speaks to them alone." Optimus said.

Aboard the Nemesis, Megatron said, "I did not seek out the Blood of Unicron to simply keep my Spark aflame, but to rule undead armies and conquer worlds, and to accomplish that I require more than this mere sliver which lies within me." His Decepticon symbol glowed. "Elsa's powers have proven themselves, but I need more. So, where is MY DARK ENERGON?!" Megatron screamed at Knockout, his anger causing purple ice to surround the floor a little.

"Out there, Lord Megatron, just waiting for you to reach out and pluck it." Knockout said. Megatron glared at him. "But, you shouldn't push yourself so hard. You've had setbacks. You were in Stasis." Knockout said.

Megatron grabbed Knockout and yelled in his face plate. "Precisely why I must make up for lost time! I can see the future vividly, but I must ensure its outcome. For I am the rising darkness of which the prophecy speaks!" He said.

Night fell. In Autobot base, Jack, Miko, Raf, Elsa, and Anna were looking at a computer. "Pass." The oldest kid stated. "Uh-uh." Raf lowered the screen again. "Kid in a costume." Jack said. Raf searched again. "Balloon." Jack said. "Boring." Elsa said.

Then, the screen landed on Bee in his alt mode. "Hold! The camera sure loves Bee." Jack said. "What can you do? When you're a superstar, you're paparazzi bait." Miko said. "Wait, is that Bumblebee?" Ratchet asked from his station.

"On a conspiracy website where users post evidence of close encounters." Raf explained. "But, Raf's got it, Ratchy." Anna said. "We just scrub and replace Bee with." Raf switched the image for a singing cat meme. Ratchet couldn't hold it in. He laughed but caught himself.

"Did he just laugh?" Elsa asked. "I think so." Anna said. "Um, Optimus, you wanna see something funny?" Jack asked the Prime. "No." Optimus immediately responded bluntly. "Don't take it personally. Primes are built that way." Chromia said. "Yeah, I've never ever seen Optimus Prime laugh, cry, or lose it." Cyclonus agreed.

"While Optimus certainly keeps his emotions in check, I've known him far longer than any of you have. And he was different before he was made a Prime." Ratchet said. "Optimus wasn't always a Prime?" Raf asked. "On Cybertron, one isn't born into greatness. Rather, one must earn it." Ratchet said.

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