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A bunch of M.E.C.H. soldiers were patrolling the woods. All were armed. Silas was leading. "Suppression fire only. We take this one alive." He said. His tracker detected an Energon signal.

They heard a woosh behind them. They turned around, but it wasn't there. Silas detected movement and shot his cannon twice but missed. One of his soldiers shot at the thing but missed, too, and only hit a tree.

Silas and his men chased the thing to a canyon. He pressed a button on his goggles and detected the source of the Energon signal. "Tight formation!" Silas said. They jumped to the small canyon floor, weapons drawn.

They walked past what appeared to be large spider webs that only a large spider from Australia could create. Silas had also seen Arachnophobia when he was younger, but a mutated spider from Venezuela South America that had venom powerful enough to kill in under 30 seconds was impossible, no matter how interesting it was.

The signal suddenly vanished. Silas tried to lock on again as his men were grabbed and strung up. He turned around and found them stuck to the web, unable to free themselves.

Above him, out of sight, Arcee's arch nemesis Airachnid hissed and smiled with sadistic glee.

Pebbles fell onto Silas. Airachnid was right above him. He shot at her but missed. Airachnid grabbed his gun and broke it, threw Silas into the canyon wall, and launched a web from her servo, restraining Silas.

"Don't tell me M.E.C.H. never considered that an open channel distress signal from an injured Decepticon might be a trap?" Airachnid asked as she approached Silas. "I'll bear that in mind next time." Silas said.

Airachnid couldn't help but laugh. "Next time? Decepticon radio chatters all abuzz about the workover you gave poor Breakdown. As an Ex-Con myself, I really should eviscerate you for that." Airachnid said. Silas wasn't intimidated.

"But, an old acquaintance and her nasty little human destroyed my ship and skinned my knee. I need to pay them back in kind. Both of them. You see, I may get in and out of places most Decepticons can't reach, but I'm still learning to navigate this planet." Airachnid said. "What's in it for M.E.C.H.?" Silas asked.

"I'll let you live. And since you came to collect a 'transformer', was it? I'll throw in whatever's left of Arcee after I've broken her." Airachnid offered.

Meanwhile, Jack was walking Arcee home with Elsa and Anna strolling next to him. They were used to the new world and the Autobots and knew of the Decepticons now. "Thanks for walking me home, Jack. You're a real gentleman." Arcee thanked. "I don't want you revved up before bedtime," Jack said as he left her to open the garage door. "Mom's a light sleeper, and I don't think that she'd understand about -" Coincidentally, June was standing right in the middle of the garage. "Understand what, Jack? You breaking curfew for the 3rd time this month?" She asked.

"Mom." Jack said nervously. "You two, off to bed." June said to the girls. They groaned. "Do we have to?" Anna asked. "Yes. I'll tuck you both in when I'm done scolding Jack." June said.

They walked past June. Anna whispered into Elsa's ear. "Let's make a big snowman later."

"Sorry, Anna. But, no." Elsa said. Anna pouted but obeyed.

"Back to you, young man, am I to not understand why your boss called you about missing another shift at work? Or maybe the email I received from your art history teacher who's concerned that you've been falling asleep in class?" June asked.

"Well, two words, Mom: Art and history." Jack nervously joked. "Tell me the rumors aren't true, Jack. Tell me you're not racing that motorcycle." June said. "No, no! Wait, where did you hear that?" Jack asked.

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