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The Autobots and humans stood outside of hangar E, directly beneath the Harbinger. "You sure we don't need to install a GPS on our scout here?" Agent Fowler asked. "Too risky. Both sides are getting real good at rooting out that kind of trick." Wheeljack said.

"Besides, we don't need a tracker." Smokescreen said. "We have Optimus." Raf finished. Optimus joined the group. "But won't the 'Cons see him?" Elsa asked. "Not until it's too late." Bulkhead said. "We'll be prepared for immediate mobilization upon your command, sir." Ultra Magnus said.

"Good luck, Optimus." Smokescreen said. "Be safe." Chromia said. Bee buzzed. "Whatever the outcome, know that Ratchet would be most proud of your contribution." Optimus said to Raf, who smiled. "Come on, kid. Let's light this thing." Wheeljack said.

Raf activated the device, and it took off. Optimus activated his thrusters and followed.

"Fetch me the quantum-cyber measure." Ratchet said and poured Cybernucleic acid into a beaker. "Do I look like hired help to you, Autobot?" Knockout asked. "Knockout, attend to the needs of our esteemed guest." Shockwave said. "As you command." Knockout said bluntly.

Shockwave put a piece of the unstable and metallic Cyber-Matter onto the table. "So we know this Cyber-Matter to be produced by an atypical molecular displacement reaction." Ratchet said. "Extensive empirical evidence indicates the fundamental instability within the Synth'N formulation to be the cause." Shockwave said.

"Double-blind analysis?" Ratchet asked. "Naturally. The results only confirmed my original hypothesis. Once the erroneous variable has been corrected for, the stabilized synthetic material will bind properly with Cybernucleic acid." Shockwave said. "And produce a stable form of Cyber-Matter. Remarkable." Ratchet added.

"Yes. Quite an act of providence." Shockwave said. "And to think that had we not let you destroy the beasts, none of this would be possible." Knockout said. "'Let?'" Ratchet asked. "What I meant to say was those specimens you requested earlier aren't going to prepare themselves. Are they?" Knockout asked.

"There is much to do in little time, doctor. Shall we get back to work?" Shockwave asked. "Certainly." Ratchet said.

Optimus was following the drone with Laserbeak's transponder attached. "Prime. Haven't heard from you in a while. Everything alright up there?" Agent Fowler asked. "So far, Agent Fowler." Optimus said. "What happens when the 'Cons ID Laserbeak's signal?" Jack asked.

"We're counting on Optimus making visual contact with the warship before its radar can detect the ship." Raf said. "The boss will be fine." Wheeljack said. "It's not Optimus I'm worried about." Chromia said.

"Knockout, I require a fresh cna sample." Shockwave said. "'Knockout, bring this. 'Knockout, get that.' Apparently, fetching is all I'm good for lately. It wasn't all that long ago I used to run this lab." Knockout grumbled as he opened a shelf and grabbed a cna canister, not knowing that he knocked another over. "Now, I'm everyone's gopher." He grumbled.

He closed the door, but the fallen Cybernucleic acid canister blocked it from closing. Ratchet walked to it. "Yes?" Knockout asked when he saw Ratchet. "The isoprope! I-I don't see one." Ratchet sputtered. "What a surprise." Knockout mumbled.

Ratchet worked on freeing the canister, and Knockout suspiciously turned around, making him stop. Knockout faced away from him. Ratchet saw that Shockwave was occupied as well. He worked on freeing the canister but stopped, thinking Knockout knew. He didn't face him.

Ratchet kept prying at the Cybernucleic acid as Knockout retrieved the device and the Cybernucleic acid canister right as Ratchet freed the other can. Knockout looked around in curiosity before giving Ratchet the isoprope. "Anything else?" He asked.

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