Nemesis Prime

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Agent Fowler drove to a security checkpoint where the soldier saluted him. "At ease, soldier." Agent Fowler said. The bar was raised, and Agent Fowler continued on. A dark semi-truck followed close behind.

Fowler turned on a good song and hummed to it. The dark truck looked suspiciously like Optimus Prime. The headlights activated. "Go around, you jerk." Agent Fowler said and motioned with his hand. Much to his surprise, the truck collided with his rear, causing the agent's car to spin out of control and come to a stop. "That's no road rage. Someone's trying to bump me off!" He said.

As the truck got closer, Agent Fowler noticed the Autobot symbol on the grill. "Prime?" He asked.

Agent Fowler drove backwards and turned himself around as the Optimus copycat chased him. "Prime! Have you flipped your metal wig?" Agent Fowler said. He tried to shake him off, but Optimus kept following.

Jack, Miko, Raf, and Elsa raced their toy cars around the base. Elsa got a dark blue frame with purple colored stripes for hers to match her normal blue eyes and Dark Energon eyes. Anna cheered for her and Jack.

"Yes! Go, go, go!" Miko said. "Metal to the pedal, Miko!" Bulkhead encouraged. "No way! This is Elsa's first time, and she's scorching us!" Miko said. Elsa smiled. The computer chimed. "Prime! Do you read me?" Agent Fowler asked. "I'm sorry, Agent Fowler, Optimus isn't here at the moment." Ratchet said.

"Then I'll take that as a confirmation that he's presently trying to run me off the road!" Agent Fowler said. "Agent Fowler, that hardly seems likely." Ratchet said. "Tell that to my burning treads." Agent Fowler said. Dark Optimus was close behind. They drove onto a bridge, and Dark Optimus collided with Agent Fowler's car, grinding him against the side.

Dark Optimus drove away, and Agent Fowler skidded out of control and went over the side, his car half dangling. He pulled the lever into reverse and tried to drive back up. "Come on, come on." He grumbled. Dark Optimus started pushing him over the ledge. "Prime, no!" He begged.

A Ground-Bridge opened, and Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Chromia came through. Bee transformed as Dark Optimus pushed Agent Fowler over the edge, but the scout grabbed the agent's bumper. The other 3 Autobots transformed and saw Dark Optimus drive away. "This guy looks like Optimus." Chromia observed. "Primes don't run." Arcee said. She transformed and chased the clone.

Bulkhead and Chromia reached over the edge to help Bee and Agent Fowler, but the bumper broke off, and Agent Fowler plummeted to his death. Bulkhead leaped down and landed first and caught Fowler's car. "You alright in there?" He asked. "At ease, soldier." Fowler panted, then the air bag exploded in his face.

Arcee drove to an abandoned gas station. The clone was nowhere to be seen, but then headlights lit up her side, and the clone collided with her.

"Yes, that's it. Follow the light." Ratchet's voice echoed as he shined a flashlight into Arcee's optics. "Wait, what?!" Arcee gasped but realized she was alive. "Not the best choice of words, Ratchet." She said. "Arcee, are you alright?" Jack asked. "Sure. Except for being blindsided by Optimus." Arcee said.

"Didn't I tell you?" Agent Fowler asked. "Impossible." Ratchet said. "I'm only reporting what I saw." Arcee said. "Why would Optimus Prime try to hurt Agent Fowler?" Elsa asked. "Maybe Optimus believes he's a Decepticon all over again." Raf said. "Or he's been faking being a good guy all this time." Miko said.

"If Prime has gone off the rails for any reason, we have a serious problem." Agent Fowler said. "This is absurd. A quick check for Optimus' signal will reveal that he's nowhere near the location of tonight's incident." Ratchet said and typed something into the computer. "In fact, he's just returning now."

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