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Wheeljack tossed a grenade in the air as he leaned against the Jackhammer, then a Ground-Bridge opened, and Ratchet stepped through. "The boss thought you might need backup, huh?" Wheeljack asked.

"If you must know, Optimus feels strongly that you require supervision." Ratchet said. "I'll be sure to be on my best behavior, doc." Wheeljack said. "Please don't call me 'doc'." Ratchet said. "Whatever you say, sunshine." Wheeljack said with a grin. Ratchet groaned. They boarded the Jackhammer, and it took off for the Iacon Relic.

"So, all of Team Prime's busy chasing down these four Iacon Relics?" Wheeljack asked. "The four which are currently in play." Ratchet said. "There's more?" Wheeljack asked. "Megatron maintains possession of the entire Iacon Database. We have yet to learn how many more Relics, or Decepticon weapons of mass destruction it contains." Ratchet explained.

"No worries, doc. I got your back." Wheeljack said. "My name is not 'doc'! And I do not require anyone watching my back. I proved my metal during the war for Cybertron." Ratchet said. "Then I'm lucky you're along fir the ride, champ." Wheeljack said. The monitor started beeping. "'Cause we got a bogey on our tail." Wheeljack finished.

Following close behind was the Decepticon spy-master Soundwave.

The screen displayed the spy-master. "Soundwave!" Ratchet identified. "Megatron's communications chief?" Wheeljack asked. "He must be tracking the same coordinates -" Ratchet was cut off when the Jackhammer trembled as Soundwave fired at them.

"You might want to grab onto something." Wheeljack said. Ratchet was thrown into his chair as the Jackhammer ascended at an alarming rate. "Are you trying to send us to the scrap yard?!" Ratchet asked.

The Jackhammer flipped around until it was behind Soundwave, and Wheeljack started shooting at the spy-master. The fliers flew and swerved as Wheeljack kept firing at Soundwave. Something flew off Soundwave and rocketed at the Jackhammer, but the ship moved aside before the projectile could hit. However, the projectile chased them.

"What's that?" Wheeljack asked. "Soundwave's surveillance drone, Laserbeak." Ratchet said. Wheeljack spun the Jackhammer, dodging Laserbeak's shots, knocking the Autobots around. "Wheeljack, maintain pursuit. Soundwave is merely using the drone to distract us." Ratchet said.

"I welcome a good distraction." Wheeljack grinned. Laserbeak kept shooting the Jackhammer, but Wheeljack flipped the ship around, and they were now chasing Laserbeak. "The hunter becomes the hunted." Wheeljack said.

"This is no time to be hot dogging!" Ratchet said. Wheeljack kept shooting at Laserbeak as they glided through the clouds. Eventually, Laserbeak disappeared from sight. "He's gone.

"Now, we can go find Soundwa-AHH!" Laserbeak appeared out of nowhere, and Wheeljack fired at the minicon again. They flew through the clouds.

As soon as the clouds broke up, a cliff was visible. Ratchet screamed in mortal terror as Wheeljack commanded the Jackhammer to fly up the wall, and the ship was hit a little, but it was okay.

Laserbeak appeared again. Wheeljack and the minicom fired at each other. "What are you doing?" Ratchet questioned. Wheeljack and Laserbeak kept firing. "Wheeljack?!" Ratchet alsed again. Wheeljack yelled as Ratchet screamed, "WHEELJACK!"

Just as Laserbeak and the Jackhammer were about to collide, the minicom flew over the ship. The Jackhammer turned around and chased Laserbeak. The systems locked onto Laserbeak. Wheeljack smiled as he fired, an Energon podshot hit Laserbeak, sending him falling out of the sky.

"Choke on that, 'Con!" Wheeljack said. "You did it!" Ratchet congratulated. Laserbeak fired wildly, and a shot hit the Jackhammer, causing its wing to catch fire. The ship spun out of control and hit the ground with a great thud.

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