New Recruit

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"Removing Bumblebee, and replacing him with," Raf replaced an image of Bee with a tap dancing monkey. "Raf, it's great!" Elsa laughed at the monkey. "The tap dancing monkey strikes again!" Jack said, and high fives Raf.

"Bumblebee sightings on the worldwide web are no laughing matter." Ratchet said. Miko and Bulkhead were stretching. The Wrecker had fully recovered from his exposure to Tox-En. "Why can't I just drive from now on?" He asked.

"Because your legs will atrophy if you choose not to use them." Ratchet said. Bulkhead groaned, but he and Miko went back to exercising. "Wait, what's that?" Elsa asked and pointed at a weird meteor entering the atmosphere.

"A Cybertronian escape pod?" Raf asked. "Here, in Earth's atmosphere?" Ratchet asked. Raf displayed the image onto the monitor. "Autobot or Decepticon?" Jetfire asked. "Impossible to tell given the image resolution." Ratchet said.

"In any event, this merits investigation." Optimus said. "Could be a trap, and we're down one 'Bot. Shall we reach out to Wheeljack?" Arcee asked. "I can hear you." Bulkhead retorted. "I don't care if Bulkhead isn't combat ready after, after that revenge stunt he ouleld with Miko, Wheeljack can stay rogue." Ratchet said.

"An Autobot may he in distress. Ratchet, bring your medical kit." Optimus said.

A Ground-Bridge opened in the forest, and the Autobots came through. They followed a spilled Energon trail, right to the pod. Chromia wiped dust away, revealing a red Decepticon symbol. "It is of Decepticon origin." Optimus said. "And the 'Con blew his way out." Arcee said.

Then, a nearby army of Vehicons started shooting them. The Autobots returned fire. Insecticons joined the Vehicons. "All those 'Cons came out of one car?" Arcee asked. "Humans refer to the phenomenon as a clown car." Ratchet said.

An Insecticon transformed and attacked Optimus, but Prime cut it and shot it away. He shot another.

An Insecticon collided with Ratchet and transformed as it raised its bug legs, but Arcee cut the legs off. The Insecticon grabbed her, but she kicked herself free. Arcee and Chromia shoot the Insecticon dead.

The Autobots kept shooting the Vehicons and Insecticons until new erupted from the woods. A blue, red, and white Cybertronian shot the Decepticons. "Incoming!" Arcee said as she and Bee pointed their guns. "Down in front!" The Cybertronian said. He leaped over Bee and Arcee and landed on a Vehicon. He shot the rest of the Vehicons. "Friendly?" Arcee asked. The stranger kept shooting until an Insecticon rammed him, but he jumped back perfectly.

He shot the Insecticon, and one of the blasts hit the Energon pool, igniting it. "Fall back!" Optimus commanded. The Autobots and newcomer hide behind a few rocks as the pod goes up in a giant blue fireball.

"Whoo! Too hot for you, 'Cons?" The newcomer asked as blue fire covered the area. "Friend of yours?" Ratchet asked. Bee buzzed. "Never seen him before." Arcee said. "Torching that Energin leak, pretty good plan, right?" The Cybertronian asked.

"Except that it wasn't your plan, boy. It was a random shot that almost fried us to a crisp." Jetfire said.

"Worked out, didn't it?" The Cybertronian asked. "Thank you, fellow Autobot. Your valor is to be commended." Optimus said. The Cybertronian looked like he had just suffered a Spark-Attack. "I don't believe it! You're Optimus Prime! He's Optimus Prime!" He said.

"Already knew that?"

"Yes, yes, we know."

Bee buzzed.

"What is your name, soldier?" Optimus asked. "Smokescreen, sir!" Smokescreen said. "Welcome to Earth, Smokescreen." Optimus said. "It's an honor to be here. Especially with you." Smokescreen said and shook Optimus' servo.

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