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Megatron and Starscream transformed and flew from the Nemesis as a storm rained down on them, and they arrived at a mine. "Another abandoned mine?" Starscream asked. "Come, Starscream." Megatron said darkly.

They both ventured into the mine. "My liege, who could have foreseen that my alternative super-soldier experiment would encounter technical difficulties?" Starscream asked when they were further into the mine. "Resulting in the loss of the Insecticon Hive and over half our remaining troops!" Megatron yelled in his face-plate, making Starscream kneel.

"Forgive me, Master! My intentions were true! Please, please reconsider my termination!" Starscream begged. Megatron rolled his optics and moved forward.

Starscream saw containers everywhere. "Oh, Shockwave's off-site laboratory. Most impressive." He realized.

"The Predacon clones have almost fully evolved and will be combat ready within 3 solar cycles." Shockwave said. "Well done, Shockwave. Knockout, I'm waiting." Megatron said. "On my way, Lord Megatron." Knockout said as he descended from the elevator on the Nemesis with Synthetic Energon canisters. The Predacon watched him.

Knockout descended into the mine. "Synthetic Energon. Troops will be delivering my remaining supply to you." He said and walked towards the mechs. "I will determine its value after Lord Megatron's Predacon army is ready for deployment." Shockwave said.

They heard growling and saw the Predacon enter the area and roar. "Unruly beast. You dare to roam freely without permission?" Starscream asked and hit the Predacon's helm with a rod, and it roared at him. Making him drop the rod and fall down as the Predacon came closer.

Starscream braced himself, then the Predacon transformed into a tall, dark mech with a white face-plate, yellow optics, and horns on his helm shaped like a crown. Megatron stared in shock. "Wha?" Starscream asked. "Strike me again, and I will bury that rod in your Spark." The mech threatened.

"I-I did not realize that the beast was capable of transformation." Starscream sputtered. "Nor did I." Megatron said. "I am no beast." The Predacon said and marched past Starscream. "The ability to transform is a fundamental part of Cybertronian biology. We simply possess no evidence that the Predacon species ever reached that evolutionary stage since they became extinct in the Great Cataclysm." Shockwave said.

"And now we know." Starscream said. "So, the rumors are true. I will no longer be alone." The Predacon said. "And I see you've been keeping secrets." Megatron said. "It was not my intention to deceive you, Lord Megatron. I only recently became aware of my abilities. All I remember of my beginning is hunting and battle and the wounding of my pride. Thus, I begun to burn with questions. Who am I? Where did I come from? The warship's databanks provided historical fact. But still, I possess no memory of my past. So I began to recomsider my place in the present and wondered, 'could I be like the others?' And now I know." The Predacon said.

"Yet you are unique. A miracle of science. Cloned by Shockwave from Cybernucleic acid recovered from the remains of your mighty ancestors." Megatron said.

"Doctor, what is the current status of your Synthetic Energon experiments?" Ultra Magnus asked. "Doing the best I can, commander, given the lack of functional equipment at my disposal and the Harbinger having no information on the Synthetic Energon." Ratchet said.

"You do realize that an alternative energy source may be essential to our survival and to grant more use of the Harbinger?" Ultra Magnus asked. "Believe me, Ultra Magnus, no one is mods acutely aware of the stakes than I am." Ratchet said. "Of course." Ultra Magnus said and walked to the other side of the bridge where the other Autobots were stationed.

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