Orion Pax Part 2

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"Optimus Prime?!" Starscream yelled. "Please! I mean no harm!" Orion begged. "No?! Then what are you doing here?!" Starscream questioned. "Research. For Lord Megatron." Orion said. "Is this some kind of joke?" Starscream asked.

"I do not understand." Orion said. Starscream cautiously lowered his missiles. "And why did you call me Optimus Prime?" Orion asked. "Uh, why wouldn't I?" Starscream asked. "Because my name is Orion Pax. I am far from being a Prime." Orion said. Starscream noticed the Decepticon insignias on Orion's shoulders.

"You reminded me of someone I once knew. That's all." Starscream said. "You are Starscream." Orion assumed. "Yes." Starscream said cautiously. "Lord Megatron told me you had been... terminated." Orion said. "Lord Megatron says many things. Only some of which are true." Starscream said.

"You... do not suggest that our leader would speak falsehoods?" Orion asked. Starscream laughed. "You truly are being kept in the dark, aren't you?" He asked.

"You speak in many riddles, Starscream. Please, tell me what it is that you know." Orion begged. "And in return." Starscream started. The door opened, and a few Vehicons readied their guns. "Starscream, surrender!" They ordered.

Starscream yelped and hid behind Orion. "Hold your fire!" Orion said. He ducked down, and Starscream transformed and flew away. "Remain in the lab." A Vehicon ordered. "But I -" Orion started. "Lord Megatron's orders." The Vehicon transformed and chased Starscream.

Starscream killed another group of Vehicons as the one Vehicon pursued him. He transformed, causing him to fall back and land on the Vehicon. He shot the drone down, transformed, and left the Vehicon to explode against the wall. Starscream fired a missile and blew the wall up, allowing him to escape the Nemesis. But the gun turrets activated, and one hit him in the thruster, causing him to fall.

In Autobot base, Ratchet asked, "Rafael, is the test subject ready?" Raf put down a toy car. "Check. Long range GPS activated." He said. "I have doubts whether my recalibrations have successfully extended Ground-Bridge range, but there is only one way to find out." Ratchet said.

He activated the Ground-Bridge, and Raf drove the toy car into it. "Come on, come on." Ratchet muttered. The car entered, only to explode. Ratchet groaned. "It was just the first try." Raf said. "No, Rafael, it was pure folly. A misguided act of desperation. It takes eons to master Space-Bridge engineering. And no one is more accomplished than the Decepticons." Ratchet said.

"You know, there's this thing in Gym class where you have to climb a rope all the way to the ceiling. It's really hard, and I've never been able to do it. But when I told Bee about it, he believed in me, which made me practice a ton. Finally, just a couple of weeks ago, I did it. I made it to the top." Raf said.

"What does any of this have to do with gym class?" Ratchet retorted. "I-I was just." Raf stammered. Ratchet returned to work. "I'll give you some alone time." Raf said. "Optimus, I am so sorry." Ratchet whispered.

Megatron entered Orion's area. "Orion, I'm so sorry for the recent commotion. You weren't in any way harmed, were you?" He asked. "No, Lord Megatron. But why did you tell me Starscream was dead?" Orion asked.

"Because he is dead to our cause. Starscream was my most trusted lieutenant until he turned traitor and joined the Autobots. Never have I witnessed a more profound act of deceit. He did not do or say anything troubling to you?" Megatron asked. "No." Orion said.

"Good. Perhaps it's best to forget the entire incident and return to your project." Megatron said. "As you wish, my lord." Orion said, and the door closed. Megatron scowled. "Orion was never very adept at the art of deception. I made a mistake not terminating Starscream when I had the opportunity. This is a mistake I do not intend to make again." He said to Soundwave.

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