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"The coordinates indicate that the second of these four Iacon Relics lies at the very bottom of this world." Megatron said. "I will hourney ti the ends of this or any world to serve your will, Lord Megatron." Dreadwing said.

"Then return with my prize, Dreadwing, and prove you are more worthy of being me Second in Command than those who have preceded you." Megatron said.

Over at the remains of the Harbinger, Starscream gathered the equipment he needed to install his new T-Cog so that he may transform again. "Inner stat, cross clamp, laser scapel, durabyllium drill, and one slightly damaged but operational T-Cog, courtesy of my traitorous clone. Everything I require to make myself whole." He said and walked towards the medical berth and layed down as he held the drill.

"A simple, painless procedure." He activated the drill. "Nothing to it, really, provided one possesses the nerve." He hesitently lowered the drill towards his chassis, and he braced himself as the tip made contact with his Decepticon symbol. Then the monitor started beeping, stopping him. "Four detachments of Decepticons Ground-Bridging to four different continents at the exact same time? Ah. Procedure postponed." Starscream said.

"Be on your guard, Autobots." Optimus said as Bulkhead, Cyclonus, Jetfire, and Chromia ran into the Ground-Bridge. "Rafael, lock onto the remaining coordinates. I will embark for the Antarctic." Optimus said.

Raf typed something into the computer, and the coordinates were set for the frozen continental wasteland of Antarctica.

"As for you, old friend, I would prefer that you have company on your mission." Optimus said. "No one is left to join me, Optimus. Even if Agent Fowler were alert," Ratchet said. Agent Fowler mumbled unintelligible words and passed out again. "He's human." Ratchet finished.

"I was considering the only remaining Autobot alternative on this planet." Optimus said. "Wha? But, you can't be serious!" Ratchet sputtered. "Wheeljack is insubordinate, a ruffian! Besides, he's Bulkhead's partner."

"Your expertise is scientific, but Wheeljack is a highly capable warrior. You would be wise to welcome the temporary alliance." Optimus said.

"Ah, a remote control for the Ground-Bridge. I love Decepticon scientists." Starscream said as he pressed a button and a Ground-Bridge portal opened.

He drove into Antarctica on a hovercraft. "I despise this planet! If it isn't a scorching desert, it is a frigid wasteland!" Starscream groaned the second the sub-freezing temperatures hit his metal skin.

"Now, where are you, my Decepticon brethren?" He questioned as he observed the icy area. Two jets flew above him. Vehicons. The Vehicons turned around and fired at Starscream. The Seeker turned around and retreated.

The Vehicons kept firing, causing the icy spikes that jutted from the snowy ground to fall down. Starscream yelped as more Decepticons appeared and fired. "Faster, you pathetic excuse for transportation!" Starscream yelled at the hovercraft.

Starscream ended up crashing the hovercraft and skidded across the snowy and icy ground as Vehicons transformed and aimed their cannons at him. "Decepticons! Do you not realize you have just shot down your ship's commander?!" Starscream yelled with lies, then the ground shook behind him.

Starscream yelped as he turned around. "You command no one, deserter!" Dreadwing said. "Skyquake?! But your -" Starscream started, easily mistaking Dreadwing for Skyquake. "You mistake me for my brother, who is one with the Allspark, as you are, no doubt, aware, former Commander Starscream." Dreadwing growled.

Starscream nervously chuckled. "Were it up to me, I would end this here and now." Dreadwing sneered as he attached Cyber-cuffs onto Starscream's servos. "But it is my duty as first lieutenant to Megatron to render all traitors to my Lord and Master for due punishment." Dreadwing said.

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