41} Meet The Family

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The Hargreeves family stood in the living room of the place they once called home, staring at a new group of people who looked like cheap knockoffs of themselves and went by the Sparrow Academy. And at the front of them all, was Ben. Not quite their Ben, but close enough to fool everyone but Jenna.
"Ben," Klaus looked at him in disbelief.
"Is that really you?" Luther walked up closer to get a good look at his 'brother'.
"And who are the weirdos on the balcony!?" Diego yelled up to them.
"They are the Sparrows," Reggie replied with great pride, "my children."
As the families had a stare-down, the room started to shake ever so slightly. Jenna noticed this and felt a weird wave of power pass by her, but she didn't think too much of it.

"I'm sorry," Five peered over at Reginald, "What do you mean, your children? That's not possible, old man."
"Of course it is!" Reggie fired back, "I think I'd know, wouldn't I?"
"Everybody else can see Ben, right?" Klaus squinted at Ben like he was dreaming.
"Cute hat, Sundance," Ben smirked as the other Sparrows filed in behind him.
"They call themselves the Umbrella Academy," Reginald informed the Sparrows, "a group of scheming, perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas," Jenna caught Five eyeing the briefcase and she grabbed his hand to tell him 'no', "Be warned, they claim to be my spawn."
"Claim?"Allison walked up to Reggie, "Look, Five what the hell is going on?"
"I don't know yet," He replied, "but it's concerning."

"Is he telling the truth?" The Luther knockoff asked.
"Not the part about us being perfidious," Vanya responded.
"No," Klaus blew raspberries, "we're amateur-fidious, at best."
"But we are his children," Vanya kept going, "This is our house."
"Yeah, yeah," Luther agreed, "We, uh... we grew up here."
"Oh, yeah, yeah, we grew up here," The Sparrow with a contorted face mocked.
"I kinda think we would have noticed you," The pretty woman pointed out, causing Luther to stare in awe at her.
"Hi," He cheekily smiled, "I'm Luther."
"Okay," Allison cut that awkwardness off, "None of you belong here."
"Oh! Well then," The woman with sunglasses chuckled, "I guess we'll just pack our bags and move out."
The floating cube started to make gargled noises and flashed different colors. Whatever he said, though, made all of the Sparrows laugh.
"You slay me, Chris," Ben chuckled.

"I wasn't expecting company," Grace entered the room with a plate of cookies, "This is the best I could do on short-" she started to glitch out, "short... short notice."
"Mom," Diego whispered.
"Mom?" The other Sparrow woman scrunched up her face, "She's a robot, you perv."
"It's not a robot," Diego glared at her.
"Hey, don't you call him that," Luther defended his brother.
"Or what?" Ben challenged.
"Why don't you come closer and find out?" Luther egged on.
"Think I'm afraid?" Ben walked closer to Luther.
"Luther! Guys, chill!" Vanya tried to calm them down, but failed.
"Stand down, Ben," The Luther knockoff reasoned from the Sparrow's side.

Both sides continued to bicker back and forth until the black haired girl spat some sort of black spit at Diego after he yelled, "How about I hide that big Rubik's cube up your ass?"
Diego touched his face where it hit him and the woman just blew him a sarcastic kiss. Jenna furrowed her eyebrows as she grabbed his hand, "Everything alright?"
"Yeah..." He trailed off and listened to his siblings.
"Enough!" Fake Luther yelled, "I don't know what circus you people escaped from or how you got past our security, but we're done here. You got thirty seconds to get out of our house."
"And if we don't?" Allison crossed her arms.
"Then we'll have to settle this the old-fashioned way."
Luther stepped forward, "Agreed."
Everyone from both sides lined up preparing to fight, until the song Footloose came over the sound system and the Sparrows started to dance, specifically fake Luther.

Luther took one for the team and started to have a one-on-one dance off with his counterpart.
"Get him, Luther!" Klaus cheered.
The rest of the Sparrows joined in, causing Diego to ask Luther, "What are you doing?"
"Protecting our honor, bro," His brother replied.
The entire Umbrella Academy and Jenna started dancing their brains out to Footloose in hopes of both keeping their honor and winning.
"Damn, Five," Jenna smirked at her husband, "I didn't know you could do anything other than ballroom dance."
"I'm full of surprises, aren't I?" He huffed.
"Oh, shit!" Diego exclaimed, "We're really good at this!"
As the chorus hit, the two families went down in lines passing through one another like they were born to dance and only dance. After what felt like ages, they all began to migrate around the home and eventually started dancing all together in one big mosh pit. Christopher even erupted confetti everywhere in celebration. As Jenna grabbed Five's hands and they started to twirl one another around, she noticed something was very off.

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