31} Dinner With Dad

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"Holy shit," Jenna sucked in a tight breath, "I need to get this knife out of my fucking leg pronto. It really fucking hurts."
"Well, we're here for dinner early, Sweetie," Five tried to comfort her, "We'll head to the bathroom and fix you up, alright?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just go inside. This hurts worse than when I gave birth to Stephen. And that's saying a lot- oh, fuck!"
"Sorry. We're almost there."
He spatial jumped them into the bathroom of the Southland Life Hotel where Sir Reginald invited them for dinner.

He gently sat Jenna on the sink counter before locking the door so no one would go in.
"Do you have anything on you?" Five asked Jenna.
"I think so. Get out the compact case."
Five dug around in her pocket, eventually pulling out the case and grabbing as many medical necessities as he could find.
"Okay, you know how this goes by now. It's not your first rodeo."
"Just yank the fucker out of my leg, I don't need foreplay about Moscow... again. Just get the knife out of my leg and stitch me up."
"Alright, but it's gonna hurt like a bitch, Jen."
"I know. Just fucking- AHHHH!"
Five had done what she'd asked and he ripped the knife right out of her leg. He clamped his hand down on her mouth to quiet her screams, but it didn't do much.
"I told you it was gonna hurt. Okay, here. Bite down on this while I stitch it up. I promise it'll be over soon."

Jenna gave him a weak nod as he took off his tie and wadded it up for her to bite down on. Tears started to stream down her face against her will as it took everything in her not to sob and fall into her husband's arms once more. He started to stitch up her leg and all she could do was count down the moments until it would all be over. She'd lost too much blood in the fight against Lila to use her powers, so it was going to hurt for a while. After quite a few stitches, Five cleaned up her wound and tightly wrapped gauze all around her leg to make sure she wouldn't bleed out.

"All better," He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and took his tie back.
"You might not wanna put that back on," Jenna said, winded, "It's covered in, literally, blood, sweat, and tears."
"Nothing I haven't dealt with before. This tie's been through a lot, you know."
"Don't get gross. We gotta go to dinner now or we'll be late."
"You sure you wanna go? I mean, I just pulled a whole ass knife out of you leg."
"Yeah, I mean, we're already here and I wanna meet my father-in-law slash man who ruined my entire life. Just... carry me?"
"I was gonna do that weather or not you asked. Like hell I'm letting you walk on a wounded leg like that."
"I really hate this."
"I know, but if it means anything, you always look ridiculously hot covered in blood."
"Maybe I should get stabbed more often then."

Five unlocked and opened the door to the bathroom ready to leave. As he exited carrying Jenna, a girl walked up having to go. She looked at Jenna and Five, who were both covered in blood, then peered into the bathroom to find that covered in blood as well.
"Messy period?" Jenna shrugged.
The girl peered over at Five in horror as he had blood on his face.
"What? Stop looking at me or I'll make you match the bathroom," He scowled.
She quickly ran off and didn't even use the bathroom.
"That poor girl," Jenna frowned as she wiped the blood off of Five's face.
"Oh, that's why she was looking at me all scared. Eh, nothing I haven't dealt with before."
"You are disgusting, young man."
"You didn't think that back in San Francisco."
"Ugh. Just go on the stupid elevator. We need to get to dinner."

Five ascended the stairs and brought them to the elevator. Just before the doors could close, they saw a hand stop them. Diego appeared, "Wait up."
"Hold it," Allison scrambled in.
"Hey, everyone," Klaus stumbled.
"Excuse me," Luther kept his head down and Vanya just walked in silently.
"What happened to you, sis?" Diego motioned to Jenna's leg.
"Don't ask," She shook her head.
"Great," Five looked around the elevator, "We're all here."
The rest of the ride up was completely silent except for Jenna's small grunts of pain that were soothed by Five pretty quickly.
"Ugh, what the fuck!?" Jenna covered her nose.
Everyone else around her started to groan and shield their noses from the horrendous stench as well.
"Luther!" Klaus scolded.
"Sorry, I'm nervous," He apologized.
"I did not need this on top of being stabbed today," Jenna whined.
"You were stabbed!?" Diego exclaimed, "By who?"
"None of your business- God, Luther. That is putrid, man."

Dysfunctional ~ F.HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now