11} A Deal With The Devil

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"Ahhh," Jenna stuck her head out the window of the car, "This is what I've fucking needed! Crank the music up, won't ya, Honey?"
Jenna was blasting Should I Stay or Should I Go out the windows and into the world.
"I would, Sweetie, but we're here," he replied.
An awkward silence followed until Five sighed and spoke up again.

"You know, I never enjoyed it," He looked at his brother.
"What?" Luther asked.
"The killing. I mean, I was... I was good at my work, and I... I took pride in it. But it never gave me pleasure."
"I second that," Jenna chimed in, "Killing isn't ever fun, unless it's demogorgons."
"I think the pressure we were under, having a kid and all, really did some funny things to the mind."
"Yeah, well, you were gone for such a long time. I only spent four years on the moon, but that was more than enough. It's the being alone for me that breaks you. At least you had Jenna with you..." He solemnly looked out the window, "You think they'll buy it?"

Five glanced at the fake briefcase, "Well, what I do know is that they're desperate. It's like a cop losing his gun. If the Commission finds out..."
"They'll be toast," Jenna added, "Burnt toast... dipped in shit. I should stop talking now..."
"They'll be stuck here until they get it back," Five rolled his eyes.
"Well, I should hold onto it," Monkey Man told him, "In case they make a move on you or Jenna."
"Okay, Luther," Five complied, "but be careful. I mean, I've... I've lived a long life, but... you're still a young man. You got your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste it."
"Hey," Jenna snapped her fingers at Five, "Look at us! We get a nice restart at life now! Maybe, if we can end the apocalypse, we can have a nice life. One we want."
"I'd love that," He looked longingly into her gorgeous gray eyes.

They're moment was cut short by a car speeding towards them.
"Here we go," Five sat up, "You ready, Love?"
"When am I not?"
They all emerged from the car, with Luther holding the briefcase securely. Hazel and Cha Cha pulled just past them and started to come out.
"If this all goes sideways," Five whispered to Luther, "Tell Jenna I love her and I'm sorry for everything."
"I heard that," Jenna smirked over her shoulder, "And I will make sure things don't go sideways."

Jenna and Five both stepped towards the two agents.
"Hi, Hazel," Jenna waved, "How's the wrist?"
"Well, it would be better if it weren't for our encounters."
"I'm so sorry about that. But... they were both your fault. Don't blame me."
"Children," Five rolled his eyes, "Are your masks really necessary?"
They both took them off and threw them.
"So where is it, kid?" Cha Cha asked him.
"Wow, that's how you're gonna start. You know, we can get right back in our car and call it a day."
"You won't even make it halfway there," Cha Cha pulled a gun on him.
"And you won't even have the chance to shoot him," Jenna grabbed out her crowbar and let a bit of lightning crackle through it.

"Put it down, Jenna," Five lightly lowered her arm, "We'll be fine. As for you two, I'm sure you found out in your previous foray, my brother is not your average giant."
"He's right," Hazel quickly replied, "You dropped a chandelier on him, got right back up."
"By the time you took him out, he'd smash your precious briefcase to a pulp."
"Probably us too, right? So, how do we help each other?"
"I need you to get in contact with your superior," Jenna flinched at the mention of her causing Five to grab her hand, "so I can have a chat with her. Face-to-face."
"About what?" Cha Cha asked.
"I don't think that's any of your concern," Jenna shrugged.
Cha Cha rolled her eyes, "Just don't tell her about the briefcase."
"Fair enough."

Hazel and Cha Cha walked down to the phone booth and Cha Cha got to calling the Handler whilst Five and Jenna went back to Luther.
"I don't wanna see her again," Jenna told Five.
"I know. I don't either, but she's our only option right now."
"So," Luther walked up behind them, "What happens now?"
"Now we wait."
They were soon taken out of their thoughts by the sound of an ice cream truck approaching. As it passed by, Jenna realized that Diego and Klaus were the people inside, along with Ben who was sitting on the dashboard. Jenna smiled widely and waved frantically at them. Klaus returned her wave and gave her a wink, Ben cheered at her, all while Diego focused on the road.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Five asked, angrily.
"I have no clue," Jenna giggled, "But I'm excited to find out."

This all caused Hazel and Cha Cha to start shootings at not only the truck, but Luther, Five, and Jenna as well. Hazel and Cha Cha got thrown out of the way by the truck while Jenna jumped in front of Luther to shield him. As all of this transpired, time started to freeze for everyone except Five. He peered out from behind Luther to see his wife standing like a statue ready to die for his brother of whom she'd known for only a few days.
"Why do you do this, Love?" He grabbed her face and held it in his hands.

"She did it because she's a much better person than you are, Five," He heard a lady yell out, "And what a neat trick I did here, right?" She removed her sunglasses and veil, "Hello, Five. You look good, all things considered."
"It's good to see you again," He struggled out, never being able to forget what happened to his son because of her.
"Feels like we met just yesterday. Course, you were a little bit older then. Congratulations on the age regression, by the way. Very clever. Threw us all of the scent, even with you bringing your wife there with you."
"Ah, well, I wish I could take credit. I just miscalculated the time dilation projections, and... well, you kn0w. Here I am."

"You realize your efforts are futile. So why don't you tell me what you really want?"
"Well, I want you to put a stop to it."
"You realize what you're asking for is next to impossible, even for me. What's meant to be is meant to be. That's our raison d'être."
Five pulled a gun on her, "Yeah? Well how about survival as a raison?"
"I'll just be replaced. I'm but a... small cog in a machine."
"Oh, how I'd love for you to be replaced."
"Oh, you're still hung up on that tiny incident? Please, I could've done nothing to stop yours and Jenna's poor parenting," Five cocked the gun at her, "This fantasy you've been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the apocalypse... is just that. A fantasy. I must say, though, we're all quite impressed with your initiative, your... stick-to-itiveness, really quite... quite something. Which is why we want to offer you a new position back at the Commission, in management."

Five scoffed, "Sorry, what's that now?"
"Come back to work for us again. You know it's where you belong."
"Well, it didn't work out too well the last time."
"But you wouldn't be in the corrections division any longer. I'm talking about... the home office. You'd have the best health and pension, and an end to this ceaseless travel. You're a distinguished professional in... schoolboy shorts. We have the technology to reverse the process. I mean, you... you can't be happy like this," She pointed his gun down.
"I'm happy wherever Jenna is," He said through gritted teeth, "Besides, I'm not looking for happy anywhere else."
"We're all looking for happy. We can make that happen. We can make you... yourself again."

"And what about my family?"
"What about them?"
"I want them to survive."
She looked around in thought, "All of them? Or just your wife here?"
"Yes, all of them. And I want to take Jenna with me."
She pulled out her sunglasses and placed them on her head while snapping her fingers, pulling Jenna into the space between time.
"Well... I'll see what I can do. And welcome back, Jenna. I've missed your moping face."
Jenna looked at Five while gasping for air from the sudden shock of being pulled there. She ran up to him and pulled him aside.

"Are you certain this is what we need to do?" She asked.
"I wouldn't be doing this unless I had to, Love. I promise you that I want nothing more than you do with her, but... she's our only out and only help to save our family."
"I have a bad feeling about this, Five."
"I know. Just trust me."
"Promise me with everything you have that you won't run from me again."
"I won't run again. Ever. I swear."
Jenna took a deep, shaky breath, "Okay then. I trust you."

They turned back to the Handler to find her ready to shake their hands.
"So," She smiled, "Do we have a deal, you two?"
"One thing," Five walked away and separated the gun sitting in front of Hazel and Cha Cha, throwing both parts in opposite directions. Jenna went to Luther and moved the bullet so it wouldn't hit him. Since she wouldn't be there to stop it, this was the better option. They both walked back to the Handler. She put her hands back out, and they zapped away with her when they shook them, leaving the rest of the Hargreeves family to fend for themselves and for Jenna to deal with the person she hated even more than the man who'd experimented on her as a child.

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