13} Family Meeting

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Jenna started to hyperventilate. She grabbed at her chest where a bullet had just been and collapsed to the ground sobbing. As she did so, a flash of light appeared in the corner of the room and the Hargreeves family started to talk, but she couldn't hear any of it. She didn't even hear the sound of her briefcase popping and sputtering dead next to her. Her brother and two best friends were once again ripped right from her. She just wanted to give Dustin another hug. Cuddle some more with Steve. Drink tea with Alice. Just play Monopoly with everyone. But no. It was all gone once again.

She felt a lingering presence run to her and grab both of her hands.
"Jenna!" It was Five, "Thank god you're alive. I thought I lost you again."
All he could think about was what the Handler told him before he left: Go, run away again to your little lover. You won't be able to get to her this time, though. She's dead. As she should be, that fucking traitor. You'll both be dead! Just like your son. You can't get them back no matter how hard you try, Five. You'll always come crawling back to the Commission and me, you know it!

"I- I," Jenna kept stammering through her tears, "He was right there. Right- right there."
"Who was?"
"Steve. Dustin. Right there."
Five sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her like her life depended on him and let her encompass him with her legs.
"I've got you. It's okay, Angel."
"It's not okay, Five," She lifted her head to look at him, "I got to see them again. They're gone now. I want them back."
"Shhhhh. I'll get you back to them once we save the world."
"I just want to feel them in my arms again."
"I know. I know."

They sat like that for what felt like years until Jenna stopped crying and Five's siblings started to ask questions.
"Five-" Allison started to ask but got cut off by Five.
"Don't," He held a hand up to her, "The apocalypse is in three days and the only thing that can stop it is us. I need her feeling better."
"The Umbrella Academy," Luther added.
"Yeah, but with my wife and I. You can't do it without us, obviously. So if y'all don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed," His tone temporarily changed when he felt Jenna shaking in his arms, "Shhh. I've got you," Then looked back to his siblings, "Who cares if Dad messed us up? Are we gonna let that define us? No. And to give us a fighting chance to see next week, I've come back with a lead. I know who's responsible for the apocalypse."

Allison walked over to him and took the piece of pa[er from him.
"I swear if it says Harold Jenkins," Jenna grunted in his ear.
"Harold Jenkins?" Allison read aloud.
"I tried to fucking tell you when we were doing that probability map, but no," Jenna sighed.
"There's the snarky wife I know and love," Five smiled at her.
"Shut up," She whined, "I want MY family back."
"And we will get them back once we stop this."
"Hey lovebirds," Diego snapped his fingers at the two, "Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"

"I don't know... yet," Five shrugged, "But I do know that he's responsible for the apocalypse. So we have to find him. And we have to do it now."
"How is he connected to what's gonna happen?" Luther asked.
"No clue," Jenna pouted.
"Wait, so you just know his name?" Diego seemed exasperated, "That's it?"
"That's enough," Five defended.
"There's probably dozens of Harold Jenkinses in the city."
"Well, we just better start looking, then."

"Five-" Jenna looked up at him and quickly ran out of the room and down the hall.
"Five!?" Diego yelled, "Jenna!? You have more explaining to do!"
Jenna made it to the bathroom just in time before emptying the contents of her stomach out into the toilet.
Feels like Starcourt all over again. Minus the drugs and Steve.

Five knelt down next to her and lifted her hair up and out of her face.
"You okay?" He asked her with a surprisingly soft tone.
"Maybe? I don't know what this is from. Maybe the time travel?"
"I'd assume, Love."
"Feels like when we were gonna have Stephen. I feel terrible."
"Well, let's get you some medicine and go back to my siblings. They're all confused. Just like I am about you remembering something that's now wiped from the timeline."
"I don't know how I remember. The fact is I do, though. Man, you'd love Steve and Dustin. I can't wait for you to see them."
"Neither can I. For now, let's go back out there and try to connect some dots so we can go visit in a few days, alright?"

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