30} Handling The Handler

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Jenna used her family tracker to hunt down her husband who sent out help signals every fifteen seconds it felt like to her. Eventually, she found him standing outside of an abandoned warehouse getting ready to send another signal.
"Don't bother," Jenna held up her tracker, "I found you already."
"Oh, thank god," He sighed, "I didn't even know if you still carried that."
"Of course I do, idiot. I thought you threw yours out when you left on your drunk rampage."
"No, I just disabled my end of the tracking. I wanted to make sure that you were still safe."
"Aw, how sweet that you scared the shit out of me for that long. Anyways, what do you need me for?"
"Well, I just tracked our friend Lila here. Just got here myself a minute or two ago. I wanted backup."
"Sure, sure. You know, I feel like you deserve to know that she's really-"

Five pulled Jenna down behind a concrete wall when he noticed Lila grabbing a pipe off of the sidewalk and walking inside once more.
"Come on," He whispered, "but be quiet."
Jenna followed behind him deliberately until they reached the door where Lila had broken the glass to it.
"You gonna put on your Walkman, Darling?" Five checked before entering.
"Oh, you know it."

(Start playing Renegade for the best reading experience. I know it's used for Klaus in the same season, but I like the song as a fight scene background. Don't complain)
Jenna crept inside the building after Five spatial jumped away from her to get a head start. She brushed through the shattered glass on the ground and hid behind a corner, not too eager to fight just jump right in for the time being.
"What's your game, crazy lady?" Five asked.
"Who cares? You said if you saw me again, you'd kill me."
"Oh, I remember."
"Well, come on, big talker. Let's get this done."
"All right."

[The jig is up, the news is out, they finally found me]
Five had spatial jumped away trying to get a leg up, but Lila kicked him in the face. She turned around to run through the facility and went right past Jenna. Jenna charged out from behind the wall and slammed her foot into Lila's back, sending her scrambling on the ground.

[Oh Mama, I've been years on the lam]
Lila eventually picked herself up and went to kick Jenna in the stomach, but Jenna immediately dodged it, avoiding any harm to her child. Lila instead nailed her in the shoulder and continued to run while Jenna was down. Five jumped to his wife to check on her, but she flagged him to continue on. By the time Jenna recovered and made her way down the hall, she found Five roundhouse kicking Lila in the face. Lila whipped back up and started to match Five's pace, eventually landing a major hit on him throwing him off. Jenna stretched herself out before charging straight at the woman she'd resented since she came across her in a car with Diego.

[The jig is up, the news is out, they finally found me]
Lila was just as fast as Jenna and she blocked Jenna's shots easily since she was well prepared. She wasn't prepared for Five to kick her leg out from underneath her from where he laid on the floor. Jenna took the opportunity to pin Lila down and wail in her. Lila, unfortunately, flipped them over and returned the favor. That was until Five yanked her hair and pulled her off of Jenna. Jenna dusted herself off and tag-teamed the rest with Five.

[Guitar solo]
Five spatial jumped from in front of Lila to behind her, kicking her right into Jenna who slammed her fist into her stomach. Lila bent over in pain leaving room for Jenna to kick her side. As she went down, Lila yanked Jenna with her. Lila rolled under a table to avoid Five's foot stomping down on her skull. She ended up wrestling around on the dust-coated ground with Jenna until she seemingly broke their unspoken code of no weapons and pulled out a knife, jabbing it into Jenna's leg. Jenna left it in her leg so she wouldn't bleed out and scratched down Lila's arm, drawing blood. Lila grabbed at it and took a sharp breath in before pushing the knife deeper into Jenna's leg to cause her even more pain. Jenna yelped but continued to fend her off. She hopped back up, along with Jenna, and back flipped over a sheet covered table, seemingly disappearing after Jenna followed suit. Jenna looked around for a moment in confusion before glancing over at her husband who shared a similar expression to her.

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