27} Meeting The Majestic Twelve

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"So, what? You just let her go?" Diego asked a pacing Five and Jenna.
"She had a lot to process," Jenna told him.
"She'll come around," Five nodded to himself, "I know she will."
"What about the guys that went after her?"
"The Swedes?" Jenna tried to confirm with Diego as Elliott started to hand out coffee to everyone and orange juice to Jenna.
"Yeah," Diego confirmed for her, "I mean, how do you know they won't go after her again?"
"We don't," Five didn't assure him.
"Mm, any idea who sent them?" Lila asked as she finished up her handy work on Diego.
"Oh, I have my suspicions," Five smiled, "But right now, our priority is finding Dad and getting answers, 'cause everything else depends on it."

"Which, for the record, I found him already," Diego pointed out.
"Well, I did too," Jenna added, "but he got away because you were a dipshit and got stabbed. Didn't even get the chance to have a meaningful conversation with him."
"Yeah, because he stabbed me."
"I'm surprised he waited this long, Diego," Five shrugged, "We've all had the urge."
Lila started to laugh hysterically, "Good one."
Five rejected her attempt to high five him, "Good thing I know where Dad's gonna be tonight."

Five pulled out the invitation that he stole from the room where Pogo had scratched him in.
"Hey, El!" Bill yelled as he entered, "How's it- Whoa! Y'all are still here?"
Jenna averted her gaze from him while Five gave him a fake smile, "Yup. Now, if you would, we're talking about important matters, so please do shut up."
"Where'd you get this, Five?" Diego squinted his eyes at the paper.
"Found it at his office while he was busy stabbing you and while Jenna was saving your ass."
Diego sarcastically laughed, "Hoyt Hillenkotter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas cordially invite you to a gala."

"Whoa, wait," Elliott's eyes lit up, "Hoyt Hillenkoetter? Are you serious?"
"You know him?" Five asked.
"We should go," Lila whispered to Diego, "Says there's gonna be a seafood tower."
"Oh my god!" Jenna stood up next to Elliott, "Isn't he-"
"One of the Majestic Twelve? Yes! It seems that you actually pay attention when I tell you things, unlike some people..." He glared behind him at Bill.
Bill didn't reply and instead kept his eyes on Jenna.
"So," Diego piped up, "What the hell is the Majestic Twelve?"
"What?" Elliott looked at him, "It's a... a secret committee."
"Of who?"
"Well, let's see," Jenna started to ramble, "Scientists, military, uh, deep state. No one knows what they really do."

"Wait, so they're government?"
"Shadow government," Elliottt replied while digging through his desk, "Yeah, Kennedy was the first president to try and push 'em into the light, but these guys are not to be trifled with. Oh... oh, here we go," He pulled out a few photos and brought them to Five, "Ah, right here. This, right here. That's Hoyt right here."
"Hm," Five hummed.
Lila gasped lightly, "I only count eleven."
"Well," Elliott started to explain, "That's because they've only identified eleven so far."
"Who's the twelfth?" Diego nodded towards the picture.
Him, Five, and Jenna all shared a look of agreement that it was Reginald without even sharing a word. They all just knew.

"Looks like we're headed to a gala then," Jenna smirked.
Jenna dragged Five down the hall to her room right past Bill who was leaning against the kitchen counter like a sad puppy dog.
"Hey, man," Diego looked at him, "You good?"
"I'm just peachy."
"Well, you look like shit. This isn't about Jenna is it?"
"Oooooh!" Lila clapped, "I love drama!"
"No, why- why would you think that?"
"He's blushing," Lila smirked at Bill, "Ooo, you like her."
"I do not! That's weird."
"What's even weirder is that you have feelings for a married woman who's really like a fifty-eight-year-old trapped in a seventeen-year-old's body."
"You heard me. Figure your shit out, I have to dress up for this event. Elliott? You got a suit I can borrow?"
"Uh, I think so. Lila? You want one of my ex-wife's dresses to borrow?"
"Did she have good taste?"
"I think so."
"Then yes."

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