1} Going Awol

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I fucking hate that alarm clock.


Oh, shut the fuck up.


Jenna slammed her hand down on the alarm clock just like she'd been doing for the past few months since her husband ran away from her. Normally, he'd deal with turning it off while Jenna would set it at night. Now it was just her. She was in between missions as the Commission was trying to figure out what to do with her since Five started working by himself leaving her without a partner. The last one they gave her blew up on their mission in WWII, so she was apprehensive for a new partner to say the least.

Regardless of that, today was the day she was going to hunt down her coward of a husband and get their divorce finalized. She threatened Herb while he was operating the Infinite Switchboard to tell her where Five's next mission was and she got her answer fast. Five and Jenna were the best assassins at the Commission by a long shot. Their powers helped them greatly and as a team they were flawless. Even though they were both almost 60, that didn't hinder them.

Jenna threw on her suit and grabbed her briefcase. She put on her headphones and clicked on Super Freak from her ancient Walkman that had been through hell and back with her. Literally.
You've got this. Just hand him the papers and smack him with your crowbar if necessary.

She opened the briefcase and was brought straight to November 22, 1963; five minutes before JFK would be assassinated. She wandered down the street until she caught a glimpse of her husband lining up his gun behind a fence to make sure JFK died.

She marched her ass across the street but stopped a few meters behind Five. He'd put his gun down and was messing with calculations and his powers. His face lit up after finishing an equation and his hands started to glow bright blue.
"Jenna!? What the hell are you doing here?"
"I'm here for you. What are you doing?"

Before he could answer, the glow had spread from his hands to a big portal in front of them. After a few seconds, a fire extinguisher flew through it almost clocking Jenna in the face if it weren't for her stopping it mid air with her powers.
"What the fuck was that, Five? I know you hate me, but I didn't think you'd want me dead!"
"I didn't do that! Ugh, I can't hold it much longer. I'm going through. Don't you dare follow me. This doesn't involve you."
"Why wouldn't I follow you, asshole!"

Jenna pushed through the portal at the same time as Five, completely ignoring his pleas. It felt like she was being sucked through a vacuum, but with her husband screaming next to her. Her body felt like it was being morphed into a different version of itself. It was being compacted down and smushed into a smaller version.
Oh, great! I don't die from the Upside Down but will from my husband's idiocy!

They all of a sudden pushed through and fell to the hard ground.
"God, that fucking hurt! Why the fuck did you do that? Where are we, Five?"
Jenna stood up and dusted herself off after accepting the helpful hand of a random man who looked high ass fuck with a skirt on. As she did so, the portal closed as well.
"Does anyone else see little Number Five and a random little girl, or is that just me?" The same man asked looking between the two of them.
What? Little?

Jenna stomped over to Five and smacked him across the face.
"What did you do to us, you motherfucking pocket watch!? Why are we small?"
Five looked down at his own clothes as well as Jenna's and saw they were both swimming in their suits.
"Shit," He whispered.
He grabbed Jenna's hand and dragged her inside behind him with the group of random people following.

Dysfunctional ~ F.HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now