17} Knives To The Chest... And Back

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Ugh, I can't move. My back feels like hell, ugh!

Jenna stirred in her bed, ready to sit up, but Five pulled her back down like he'd done not too long ago for a different injury.
"Shhh. You need to go back to sleep, Lovey. You haven't been out all that long."
"But I'm antsy."
"I know, you always are, but you just barely survived falling out of a two-story high window. Your back was all glass. I- I thought I lost you. It was the most horrifying state I've ever seen you in, and that's saying a lot."
"I'm sorry you had to see that. I was just trying to help Allison and Vanya... she lost control again. I was too burnt out from healing Allison- is she okay? Is she alive?"
"She's alive. You, in fact, were the reason why she lived. Without you healing her neck at all, she'd be gone. But she's alive, don't worry."

It was hard for neither of them to worry. Jenna had witnessed Allison's throat being sliced open right in front of her while Five had to watch his best friend and lover almost die in his arms. The night prior, after Five sped home rapidly, Grace took care of Allison first while Five laid Jenna down on her stomach and started to pick out every piece of glass from her skin that he could find while he waited for his Mom. Grace sped through everything as fast as she could for Allison and then turned her attention to Jenna as soon as Allison was stable again.

She gently pulled Five away from Jenna as he cried and held her hand, praying she'd be okay. She had a weak pulse, but it was there.
"Like Allison," Grace told them, "I'll need someone to give blood."
Five immediately pulled up his sleeve and held it out to Grace. He knew they both had the same blood type and there was no way in hell he was risking one of his siblings fucking everything up. The rest of the process was hard to watch. Sounds of her flesh being torn open even more as all of the glass was fully removed. He saw the outline of her scar that she got while fighting a demobat on her back, making him smile just a bit that she wasn't fully gone to the glass. It felt like eternity before Grace was done patching and stitching up her lacerated skin.

"She's all better now, Five," Grace smiled at him.
He gave a weak smile back in return. It was such a relief pulled off of his shoulders to know she was alright. He looked like a hot mess after everything that transpired. His hair was matted to his sweaty forehead, his clothes were rumpled, he was covered in lots of Jenna's blood from head to toe; but all he wanted was to lay with his wife and didn't give a damn about anything else. Grace helped him gently bring her to his bedroom to rest with him.

Well, that's how the rest of his night went, resting with the love of his life until she woke up. He hadn't actually slept, but it was nice just laying there, relaxing for once, and just playing with Jenna's tangled hair.
"Can you help me downstairs?" Jenna slowly sat up from his hold.
"Of course, though I still think that you should rest."
"We both know that's not happening."
She looked down at her stomach as she stood up to notice a thick, white bandage snuggly wrapped around her waist and felt a large gauze pad taped to her upper back.
Man, my back is fucked up.

They carefully walked downstairs to find Klaus and Diego in the living area, pacing.
"Oh, thank god my little sister is alive!" Klaus got up off the couch to go hug her, but Five cut him off.
"Step away before I gut you," he pointed at his brother, "She's cut all over her back, don't you dare hug her."
"Jeez. Someone's cranky. I was just trying to help."
"How you feelin', Jenna?" Diego asked, sincerely.
"I don't know. This is some of the worst pain I've ever felt. I'll slowly heal it, though. I've already healed my bullet and stab wounds. How are you feeling?"
"Rattled, but okay. We need to plan now.

"The bastard that nearly killed our sister and Jenna is still out there, with Vanya. We need to go after her."
"Wanna is not important," Five retaliated.
"Hey," Jenna lightly smacked him, "That's your sister."
"Yeah, a little heartless, even for you, Five," Diego added.
"I'm not saying I don't care about her at all, but she did almost kill my wife, Diego. I'm not just gonna let it go like that. Plus, if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the other seven billion of us. Harold Jenkins is our first priority."
"I agree," Diego nodded, "Let's go."

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