37} Setting Up The Parents

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"We did it!" Luther exclaimed with joy.
Five grabbed Jenna and rested his head on her shoulder in sadness, "The briefcase, you idiot."
The briefcase had been sliced clean in half.
"What the fuck just happened!?" Bill stood up from his spot on the hood of a car, "I don't think my brain computed a single thing that I just witnessed."
"Jenna," Five grabbed her and pulled her to the fence, "Look."
"There's Dad," Luther pointed to Reggie on the knoll, "What do we do?"
"Oh no," Jenna's eyes widened as she saw Diego running at him, "Damn you, dollar Batman!"

Diego tackled the man to the ground and revealed that he was in fact not Reginald Hargreeves, but instead a cover. Gunshots were heard soon after echoing throughout the block.
Jenna sighed and kissed Five on the cheek, "At least he didn't do it right, babe."
"Yeah, at least he didn't do it right."
"Oh my god, it feels fabulous having the paradox psychosis fade away."
"You know, Jen? You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on and the hottest too."
"What made you decide that?"
"When you were tag-teaming with yourself and looked so threatening yet radiant yet sexy."
"Oh, thank you."

"Please stop talking," Luther whined, "This is gross to hear."
"I second that," Bill grimaced.
"Hey," Five pointed at Bill, "It's not my fault that you caught feelings for my wife."
"I think I'm over that, but it's still gross, dude. Get a grip, you horny bastard."
"You're both just jealous that I have a woman and you guys don't," Five smirked proudly.
"Not at all," Luther scrunched up his face, "But keep telling yourself that."
"We should get going."
"Hey," Jenna stopped Five, "I think I'm gonna go walk back with Bill. There's something I need to do to set the timeline right."
"Be careful, Love."
"Aren't I always?" She giggled and gave him a quick peck on the lips before dragging Bill down the street the opposite direction of the others.

"Whoa," Bill grabbed onto his hat, "Elliott's is the other way from here. Where are you taking me, Jen?"
"Somewhere special," She smiled up at him, but he stared down at her with scared, wild eyes, "No, this isn't a date, don't freak out on me now. It's just- I need to make sure that I set your timeline right."
"Can you at least tell me where we're going?"
"Nope. It's a surprise. Just trust me."
"Last time I did that, I had to witness your husband fight himself with you and another version of you fighting them. I don't know how much trust I have left in you."
"Fair, but this isn't like that. Come on, slowpoke!"
"Wait- wait up! Jenna!"

Jenna started to run down the sidewalk with Bill trying his best to keep up with her. Jenna had remembered her mom telling her the story of how she'd met Bill. It was the day of JFK's assassination and Claudia had been in Dallas to watch him do his drive around. After everything had gone down, she went to a small diner called Larry's a few blocks away to try and recoup her thoughts on everything she'd witnessed. While sitting at the counter, a young man walked up to her all nervous and bought her food for her. Before she left, he put a quarter in the jukebox and started to play Twist and Shout by the Beatles. It was one of her favorite songs and he just so happened to pick it for her. He held his hand out and they started to dance until their feet hurt. After that, she asked him out on a date and the rest is history, or well, the future in this timeline.

After a few minutes of jogging, Bill skidded to a stop next to Jenna where she waited outside of the diner.
"You couldn't have picked the one closer to our place?" Bill huffed, out of breath.
"For one, that place is racist dude, and two, you need to be here. It's where you're supposed to be now."
"Okay, okay. I'll trust you."
They waltzed inside and Jenna pulled him to the counter next to her.
"Hello, I'm Lori, what can I get you two?" The waitress walked up to them and smacked her gum.
"I'll take a turkey club and... a cup of coffee, please," Bill slid the menu to Jenna.
"I'll just have a glass of orange juice," Jenna handed the menu to Lori.
"Alright, give it five-ten minutes."
"Thank you," Bill smiled then turned to Jenna, "Man, you and your orange juice. You'll turn into an orange if you aren't careful."
"You sound like Elliott. Man, I miss him."
"Me too, Jen. You know, it's not your fault."
"I know, but it feels like it is. He wouldn't have been killed if my family and I hadn't shown up."
"Yeah, but you didn't kill him, those Swedish dudes did."
"Yeah, yeah, but they were after me and killed him to get to me. I'm just glad that you didn't die too. I'd never forgive myself."
"Well, I'm alive and well so there's nothing to worry about."

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