40} The End Of Something

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As Jenna looked out across the field, she caught sight of Lila and the Handler covered by a protective shield like Jenna's, but just different enough. The shield disintegrated around them. Jenna could make out the Handler speaking to Lila, causing Lila to start floating in the air just like Vanya had moments ago.
No, she doesn't have powers...

Lila began to float higher and higher, eventually letting out a super sonic blast of her own. Jenna used her shield to help not only herself, but her in-laws as well. This resulted in all of them being flung backwards, but not injured too terribly. Jenna landed flat on her ass not too far from Sissy's house. As she looked out at the damage around her, she noticed that Diego was pinned to the ground by the tractor they'd been hiding behind not too long prior. Jenna raced over to him and used all of her might to try and lift it off of his leg, but it just wasn't quite enough.
"I can't get it," Jenna wiped some blood from her nose, "I'm sorry, Diego."
"It's alright, Jenna," Diego winced, "You tried."
Jenna looked around her once more in horror as she witnessed Lila rumor Allison with Luther pleading to Allison to breathe. She didn't see Five anywhere and she started to internally panic a bit.

"Allison!" Diego called when she was breathing once more.
"Luther!" Jenna screamed. Once they made their way over there, she asked, "Have either of you seen my husband?"
"Uh, he was inside," Luther scratched his neck.
"Thanks, can you help him?" Jenna gestured to Diego's leg.
"I got it," Luther patted her on the back, "Go get our brother."
Jenna nodded and made her way inside right as Klaus and Vanya also showed up and just in time to see her husband getting beaten to a pulp.
"Hiya," Jenna smacked Lila upside the head as she spatial jumped in front of her, "Miss me ya spoiled brat?"
Lila tried imitating Jenna's powers back at her, but failed, "Why the fuck can't I copy you?"
"I don't know... maybe because I was made in a lab and wasn't born like you guys. Either way, it's in my favor bitch!"

Jenna grabbed onto her collar and zapped her ass backwards into the fireplace rubble.
"Five!" Jenna yelled to him, "Go! I've got this!"
Five gave her a hesitant nod as he scrambled off to regain his abilities back. While Jenna was distracted, Lila took her chance to fight Jenna the old fashioned way: with her fists. Jenna got nailed in the side of the head, sending her stumbling back into the kitchen. She spat blood out onto the hardwood flooring and just smirked up at Lila, "You have no clue what you just started."

(Start playing You Spin Me Round [Like a Record] for the best fighting experience :)
Jenna charged at Lila's leg and tackled her to the floor, which ended in them rolling around for a minute trying to wrestle for a good punch. Jenna finally rolled them over in her favor and punched her three times in the face before Lila shoved her off and into a pile of broken bricks and glass. Jenna winced as she sat up, getting major deja vu to when Vanya had flung her out of Leonard's cabin window. Lila took the chance to kick Jenna hard in the side of her gut.
Oh, don't you even dare attack my child!

Jenna used a bit of her powers to hoist herself up and repay the favor right back to Lila.
"You're good, you know?" Lila tried to start up light conversation as they boxed it out.
"You're not too bad yourself, oh wait! I fucking trained you, of course you're gonna be good."
"Don't take too much credit, Jenna. My mum trained me too."
"And that's why you're worse than me. Oh, and since when do you have powers?"
"Since I was born, dick nozzle. Since when can I not mirror yours? I thought I could mirror anyone's."
"I told you, I'm not like you or Luther or Five. I'm genetically engineered with fucked-up experiments."
"Aww, poor Jenna. She has different powers from the rest of us."
"Aww, poor Lila. She can't mirror mine. That sucks. Wanna know why?"
"'Cause you can't do this," Jenna pulled her crowbar from her compact case and whacked Lila in the shoulder with it, plus a little shock of electricity.

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