24} D.C. Umbrella Manufacturing Co.

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"Of course Dad would be involved in the assassinataion," Diego shook his head while going over all of his newly learned information, "I should've known."
"No, you're jumping to conclusions," Five retaliated.
"Who the fuck is that guy?" Bill asked, frustrated that he was out of the loop.
"Their father, calm down," Jenna rolled her eyes, "I can catch you up later if you're so intrigued."
"What else would Dad be doing standing on the grassy knoll," Diego stood up in Five's face, "holding an open umbrella on a sunny day in Dallas the exact same moment that president gets shot?"
"It doesn't look good, I admit," Five confessed.
"No, he's the signalman for the whole goddamn thing."
"Easy, Diego, seriously."
"No, it makes sense to me," Jenna shrugged.
"Don't feed his delusions, Jen," Five sighed, heavily.

"For all we know, it could be what Hazel was trying to tell us, sweetie."
"She's right," Diego nodded, "We have to stop Dad from killing the president."
"Diego, calm down, all right?" Five told him, "Dad was no Boy Scout, but presidential assassination? It's never been his thing."
"How would you know?" Jenna challenged, "You never thought that Project MKUltra was his thing, but here I am in the flesh."
"What is anything you people are saying?" Bill groaned.
"Shut up, Bill. I said I'd talk with you later."
"Jenna's right," Diego gestured to her, "How would you know? You missed out on Dad's golden years."

"You think I had it easy, Diego? I was alone for ten years and with Jenna for about thirty five including the Commission. You know what? We don't have the time for this right now. Dad's clearly in Dallas, right? Let's just go talk to him. Maybe he can help us fix the timeline."
"Dallas is a big place. We need to find him first."
"Gee, if only we had some magical, old-times way of finding people and their addresses."
"Ah, fuck," Bill sighed, "I guess I'm helping now.

"So, Five, what am I looking for?" Bill grabbed out Elliott's phone book and started hunting.
"It should be pretty simple, look for his name for starters," Five said a-matter-of-factly.
"Well, what the hell is this fucker's name?"
"Reginald Hargreeves."
"Okay... Hargreeves, Hargreeves... shit. I don't see anything."
"Try his company, D.S. Umbrella Manufacturing Co."
"Oh, I actually know that place. Let's see here... yes! It's eighty-two Olive. Let's go."
"Whoa, buddy. 'We'?"
"Yes 'we'. I'm going. You roped me into this thing, I'm helping now."
"Bill, can you please stay here?" Jenna pleaded, "You can untie Elliott, watch some TV together like normal, and when we get back I'll update you on everything."
"If we're in trouble, I'll call here. It shouldn't take that long I'm hoping. Stay here with El. Please?"
"You are a goddamn pain in my ass. This seems like a sign for me to never have kids, god."
No, please do have those kids actually or I won't exist, thank you very much.

"So, is the girl coming?" Five nudged Diego as they started to head out.
"Ah, shit," Diego ran out to go find Lila.
"So, now looks like a great time to update me, Jen," Bill crossed his arms, "Not later, now."
"Fine. We're all from 2019. Five here can time travel and his other siblings also have cool powers. You know about my electricity stuff, but they were born with theirs unlike me who was experimented on. Now, his brother, Diego over there, is obsessed with stopping the JFK assassination that takes place in a couple days and that footage points to their dad committing the murder as of now. All caught up? Actually, there's more backstory to everything, but it's irrelevant to what's going on."
"I understood what came out of your mouth, I think."
"Good. Now, we're gonna go once Diego figures out his shit. I don't need you getting into danger over this, so that's why you can stay here and calm Elliott down."

"I can't believe this is all fucking happening," Bill dug his fingers into his hair whilst he paced the room, "Kennedy's gonna get shot? Time travel? Powers? This is too much."
"Hey, would you calm down please?" Five asked.
"How the fuck am I supposed to calm down!? This is a lot to take in, all right?"
"Not really. I've known about all three since I was born. This is pretty normal."
"Well, you were born in the future, I was born twenty four years ago. I haven't even seen a phone you can carry in your pocket and you expect me to believe in time travel?"
"Well, both do exist."
"Wait... small phones exist in the future?"
"Yeah, catch up."

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