7} Takin' Care Of Business

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"Five," Jenna stretched herself awake from the passenger's seat, "Why are we still here? Shouldn't we go home? This feels like a waste of time."
"Do you have a better idea on how to stop the world? No, I didn't think so. So, we wait."
"Jeeeeesus! Calm down, pissy pants. We've been here all day. I should've gone back with Klaus and Luther."
"Well, leave then. You need proper rest anyways, not from a seat in a random stolen van."
"Fine, I will. Good luck, Five. I hope this wasn't a waste of our time."

Jenna got out of the van and called an Uber back to the academy. Unfortunately, it wasn't Alice this time and instead was a weird old man. He was nice, though, and Jenna gave him a nice tip. She got out and walked inside to the living area where she put on a record and crashed on one of the couches.
Finally, some peace and quiet.

She didn't even get to rest two minutes before Hazel and Cha Cha invaded the academy.
"Cha Cha," Hazel looked at the painting of Five on the wall.
"That's our kid," She sighed, "now, where's the other one?"
"Right here, bitch!"

(Start playing Takin' Care Of Business for a pleasurable reading experience. This is a fun fight scene. Enjoy! I'm changing it up a bit to fit my story better, but it's still similar.)
Jenna stood up and cracked her neck for a moment to prepare for what was about to go down. She knew Hazel and Cha Cha were skilled, but she was tied for the best agent with Five. She could get them. She should be able to get them with ease.

[You get up every morning from the alarm clock's warning]
Jenna lifted Cha Cha up in the air and flung her back into the bar while Hazel was trying to shoot at Jenna. One bullet skimmed the side of her leg, but none hit straight on, luckily. She threw Hazel's gun away and kneed him in the gut.
"Not fair, Jenna. You have more hand to hand training than us."
"Looks like I just have the upper hand then."

She grabbed her crowbar out as well and quickly swung it into the side of his head before running up the stairs where she ran into Diego.
"Jenna, why do I hear gunfire?"
"Shut up and go hide! I can handle these people. I don't want you getting hurt."
"Too late for that," Cha Cha had followed them and started shooting.
Jenna formed a force field and fired them right back at her. At this point, Hazel was there, too, and Diego flung two knives at their masks.

[And I've been takin' care of business]
Diego started to fight Hazel while Jenna faught Cha Cha. Jenna slid on the floor and slit open Cha Cha's leg with one of Diego's knives she found on the floor.
"Stop that, you little shit. Just come back to the commission and tell us where your little boyfriend is."
"Nope," Jenna hopped on her back, "and he's my husband, you bitch!"
Jenna started beating Cha Cha's mask with her crowbar while Cha Cha spun in circles trying to get Jenna off of her. Eventually, she succeeded and Jenna got thrown into the wall, splitting open her head slightly. She reached for the back of her head and revealed plenty of blood on her fingertips.
At least it's my blood. I don't like other people's blood on me.

[If it were easy as fishin' you could be a musician]
Jenna blew Cha Cha into the opposite wall and chased after Diego who'd gotten away from Hazel. She watched as Diego threw himself over the balcony into the living area and she followed.
"Who the hell are these people, Jenna?" He asked as they crouched behind a table.
"Just some jealous ex-co workers looking to kidnap Five and I. No big deal."
"Shhh! Don't move."
She heard their footsteps approaching. Diego stupidly moved a bit and the couch that was partially protecting them was being shot at. Jenna glared at him and went out of hiding to cover for him.
"Whoa! Peek-a-boo. The ding dongs found me! Looks like you win the game of hide-and-seek."

Dysfunctional ~ F.HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now