14} The Murder Shrine And Near-Death Wounds

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"I know this Jenkins dude has to have a record," Diego commented as he pulled up to the police station, "We gotta get our hands on his file."
"And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it?" Allison crossed her arms from the back seat.
"I know the station like the back of my hand, sis. I've spent a lot of time inside."
"Whatever, here's the plan."

"Plan?" Five furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm just gonna blink in and get the file."
"No, that's not... you don't know the ins and outs of this place, okay?"
"I literally just did this yesterday."
"Well, my yesterday, not your yesterday. It'll take me two seconds."
"Listen to me. You are not going in there. I made a call. That's what a leader does. He leads. I'm heading out now."

"He reeks of a hero complex," Jenna comments as she crawls from the back and into the driver's seat.
"You're just picking up on that?" Allison asked.
"No, but I'm just now pointing it out. Ugh, I need good music." Jenna closed her eyes and changed the dial with her mind until she landed on Fluorescent Adolescent.

"Now that is much better. I love the Arctic Monkeys. So moody and dramatic."
"I still don't understand how you can do that," Allison shook her head while Jenna wiped the blood dripping from her nose.
"I don't understand either. I'm just special."
"Can we call Vanya?" Allison blurted out.
"What? Why?" Five scrunched up his face.
"To see how she's doing. I saw a phone just a few steps back."
"I'll go with you," Jenna smiled.
"Ugh!" Five grunted and followed them.

Allison picked up the phone and rang her sister's number as Five and Jenna leaned against a nearby building, holding one another's hands.
"Hey, Vanya, it's me. I just wanted to... things have gotten so messed up. And... all I ever wanted was to be a good sister to you. Guess I pretty much failed at that. But you need to call me. Okay? I love you, sis."

As Allison finished, Diego walked up.
"So?" Five asked him.
"Here," Diego went to hand him the file, but found it to be missing. Jenna pulled it out from behind her back.
"I stole it from you before you even left the alley. I could've done that the entire time, but no. You had to be the hero. Here, take it back."
Instead, Allison snatched it from her and started to flip through, "Holy shit."
"What?" Diego asked.
She held up the picture, "Harold Jenkins is Leonard Peabody."


They cruised their way over to Harold's house with Jenna still blasting Arctic Monkeys in the background, this time it was R U Mine? She called driving, which scared Five shitless. He held on for dear life and recommended that his siblings do so as well. Jenna as an awful driver. That was one skill she never possessed.
"And I go crazy cuz here isn't where I wanna be!" Jenna sang along as she petrified everyone else, "And satisfaction feels like a distant memory. And I can't help myself, all I wanna hear you say is, 'Are you mine?'"
"Eyes on the road, Lovey," Five squeaked out.
"Stop!" Diego yelled, "We're here!"
Jenna screeched to a stop and rammed into a trash can.
"Why'd I let you drive?" Five whispered to himself.
"Because I'm the best driver ever," Jenna smiled and let everyone exit.

"Be careful, okay?" Allison warned, "We don't know what Peabody's capable of."
"Yeah, he didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him," Diego brushed her off, "Looked kinda scrawny."
"Yeah, well, so are most serial killers and mass murderers," Allison pointed out.
"Look at us," Jenna pointed to her and Five.
"Thanks," Five gave her a tight-lipped smile.
"Good point," Diego shrugged, "So what's this guy want with Vanya?"

"I don't know," Five said, "How about we ask him after we kill him."
"Great idea," Jenna squeezed his hand.
"Whoa, whoa," Diego stopped them from moving closer, "Hey, look, I'm gonna burst through-" Allison and Jenna had both disappeared," "You know what? It would be nice for people just to stick to- the plan," He sighed as Five spatial jumped away.
Diego gave himself a quick countdown and jumped through the door, where Jenna was standing on the other side.
"I was gonna get that for you," Jenna pouted with her hand on the nob.
"Subtle," Allison mocked him.
"You know, the door was unlocked," Five told him.
"Yeah, well my way works just fine."
"I'll pick it up," Jenna closed her eyes and reassembled the door back together like it'd never even been scratched, "Let's spread out."
"Yell if you, uh..." Diego started to space out, "you know, you're in trouble."

"Inspiring leadership," Five nodded.
"One of the greats," Allison sarcastically agreed.
"Dollar Store Batman," Jenna smiled.
Jenna followed Five who was starting to limp.
"Sweetie?" She asked him, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Jenna. Stop worrying about me."
"I can't do that, Five. Be honest with me; do you need help?"
"No, god, I'm fine, alright?"
"Guys!" Their fight got broken up by Allison yelling, "You need to see this."

They all ushered themselves upstairs to find Allison, who was standing by what looked to be a shrine of the Umbrella Academy.
"All our faces are burnt off," She pointed out.
"Well, that's not creepy," Diego muttered, "This guy's got some serious issues.
Jenna started to dig around the room and found what looked to be old government files from her MKUltra trials. She found herself in the mix along with pictures of demogorgons.
Looks like he was trying to see if this tied back to their powers. Gotcha. Not weird at all.

"This was never about Vanya," Allison pieced together, "This was about us."
Jenna noticed Five fiddling with his shirt and hyperventilating. He started to fall back and Jenna ran to catch him.
"Five!" She lifted up his shirt to find a large, what looked to be shrapnel, wound, "I told you to tell me if something was wrong!"
"I love you," He whimpered, "And you have to keep going. So... close."
Jenna lightly smacked his face, trying to wake him up. He was out cold. Jenna picked him up in her arms and started to carry him down to the car.

"What are you doing, Jenna?" Diego asked.
"I need to get him back to the Academy. I can fix him up there. I need to sanitize everything, especially if this is shrapnel like I think it is. I can heal him afterwards. Just drive please. I can't lose him. Not again."
Diego nodded and hopped in the car, driving as fast as he could. Jenna stroked his face, pushing the hair out of it, as Mr. Loverman played in the background. Five couldn't respond to his surroundings, but he could hear them. This entire situation was triggering a memory from when he ran away from Jenna.

He'd just grabbed all of his belongings and pulled up to a bar that was about an hour away from their home. He wanted to be close, but not too close that Jenna would easily find him. He walked in and sat down ordering a few scotches. He downed them fast and ordered more. As time ticked on in his blurred haze, Mr. Loverman started to play from the speakers. He broke down.
He kept thinking: How could I have left her like that? I can't go back... She won't love me anymore like this. I can't go back. I've fucked everything up... I'm losing everything I love because I'm such a fuck up. I hate myself. Just keep drinking. Keep drowning it out...

Before he knew it, they were back at the Academy and Jenna was sprinting through the halls to get to Five's bedroom. Diego called Grace over to help Jenna.
"We should've gone to the hospital," Allison pointed out.
"A kid with a shrapnel wound would raise some questions," Five whimpered.
"Stay with me, pocket watch," Jenna shushed him, "I've got you."
"Yeah, well, so does the murder shrine in Harold Jenkins' attic," Allison told them, "How do we stop him from losing more blood?"

Jenna sat him down on his bed and quickly disinfected the area before closing her eyes and hovering her hands over the wound. She took a deep breath in and started to pull the shrapnel out of his cut. With the aid of Jenna's electricity, he didn't feel a thing. Next, she stitched up his wound. Normally she'd just heal it, but it was messy and uneven. She wanted to me sure she'd heal it right. When she was done with her fine needle work, she rested her hand on Five's stomach and reformed the skin back together like no damage had been done in the first place. He was still unconscious, but all healed up with a piece of gauze in place just in case.
How the turn tables, Five. Looks like you're the one being attacked and injured now with me being overprotective.

Jenna backed away and grabbed a cloth to wipe the great amount of blood falling from her nose. She stumbled back a bit and fell to the floor, reopening her stomach wounds in the process. Grace lifted her up and took care of her before letting her rest next to Five. Her head naturally rested against Five's chest opposite the wound while his arm instinctively wrapped around her waist loosely. Diego and Allison watched Jenna and Five from the door frame, trying to comprehend what they'd just witnessed from Jenna.
"Don't fuck with our sister-in-law," Diego muttered.
"Noted," Allison agreed, "Or Five. If anything happens to one..."
"The other will either kick our ass or flat out kill us."
"Yup. At least she can heal people."
"That is very useful. Gotta keep that in mind next time I get shot. Want a drink, Allison?"
"I've never wanted one more."

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