26} Some Casual Underground Boxing

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"Thank you so much for the orange juice," Jenna thanked the waitress while she poured a cup of coffee for Five.
"Leave the pot, dear," Five smiled, "Thank you."
"Lippy little shit," The waitress scoffed and walked away.
Jenna, Five, and Vanya were sat at a diner counter to catch Vanya up on some stuff.
"You gonna tell me what the hell's going on?" Vanya asked.
"When you were a baby," Five started to explain, "you were bought by an eccentric billionaire. He raised you in an elite academy with six other siblings with extraordinary powers, but in the year 2019, in order to avoid the apocalypse, we jumped into a vortex and ended up being scattered throughout the timeline in Dallas, Texas. Any questions?"

"What do you mean, 'the apocalypse'?"
"He means the end of the world as we know it, unfortunately," Jenna took a sip of her juice.
"Yeah, but how?"
Jenna almost spit her juice back out at her question, "Sorry. It- uh... went down the wrong pipe"
"You really don't remember anything?" Five questioned while rubbing Jenna's back.
"No, nothing before a month ago."
"Then what do you remember?"
"I landed in, like, a... back alley. Got hit by a car. My head was ringing like crazy."
"Sounds like Bill," Jenna commented, "Sorry. Continue."

"Yeah, I had no idea how I got there, where I came from. What causes the apocalypse?"
Five took a second with his words while Jenna watched him closely, "Asteroid impact. The big kaboom ends everything. Just like the one that got the dinosaurs, except way worse. Bad news is, it followed us here."
"What do you mean, 'followed us'?"
"Eight days from now the world will end in a massive nuclear doomsday," Jenna elaborated, "So, a different disease, if you will, with the same fucking result."
"That can't be right," Vanya wasn't buying it.
"We saw it," Five motioned to Jenna, "With our own eyes. You were there. We all were."

"Shit," Vanya whispered, "I need to make a phone call."
She hauled ass up from the counter and scrambled to the phone. Five was about to stop her, but Jenna put her hand on his arm, "Let her go. We just trauma dumped on her, she clearly needs a second to process and call a friend."
"Yeah, yeah. How's the orange juice over there?"
"Fine, wanna sip?"
"Yeah, hand it over."
Five slurped down most of her glass and got up.
"What the fuck, asshole?" Jenna scoffed.

Five slammed the phone down from Vanya's hands and onto the receiver.
"What the hell?" She snapped.
"We don't have time for this," Five told her.
"That's my friend you just hung up on."
"Listen to me," He grabbed her shoulders, "Those people from the field are coming after us. They are never going to stop. Do you understand me? We need to stick together, find the others, figure out how to stop doomsday. Whoever this person is, they can't be more important than the end of the world. We need to go."

Five let go of Vanya and helped Jenna stand up from her stool at the counter.
"You gonna apologize for drinking all of my orange juice?" She tugged her hand out of his grip.
"No, you said I could have some."
"No, I said you could have a sip. You guzzled that shit down and I want an apology. You know how I feel about my orange juice."
"Fine... I'm sorry. There? You gonna hold my hand now?"
"No, you don't mean it."
"But my hand's cold."
"Too bad. Suffer."


Jenna begrudgingly walked with Five and Vanya to the underground boxing place that Luther was fighting at. Five forcefully grabbed her hand as they entered and wouldn't let go.
"This place is dangerous. You're staying with me."
They went right up against the rails near the ring and watched Luther fight.
"At least he's not ashamed of his physique anymore," Jenna gestured to him; he was wearing only a thin tank top.
Jenna's brows started to furrow when Luther started to get stuck in a daze.
What is going on in the monkey man's head?

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