22} Visits To The Psych Ward

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Jenna grabbed onto Five like she was about to die and he clung right back.
"I missed you," She mumbled into his shoulder.
"Oh, I missed you too, Lovey."
"You were only gone a few minutes from me, I've been here months without you. Calm down," Jenna looked up from Five's shoulder to see Elliott cowering in the corner of the kitchen. "Elliott, I told you, he's my husband. It's okay."
"How'd you do that?" He questioned while pointing a knife towards him.
"Don't really have time to explain," Five smirked and let go of Jenna.

"Jenna, is this apart of the time travel thingy or is he from the Pentagon?"
"Is that fresh?" Five pointed to the coffee and spatial jumped to pour himself a cup.
Elliott shook in fear while Jenna walked up to him to calm him down, "Put the knife down. It's the time travel thing. He's fine."
"Hmm," Five nodded in content after sipping his coffee, "Is this Colombian?"
"It's my own blend," Elliott shrugged and lowered the knife.
"AHHHHH!" Bill ran out from behind the couch with a heavy book to knock Five out.

"BILL!" Jenna sprinted to him and lightly shocked him.
"What the fuck, Jenna?" He rubbed his arm where he was shocked, "He can't just come walking back into your life all of a sudden like that and expect things to be okay."
"It's not what you think," Jenna slowly approached him, "It wasn't his fault... not fully anyways. It was a time travel issue."
"A what? Jen, you're starting to sound like Elliott with all that supernatural mumbo jumbo."

Five took a look around the home and nodded at all of the conspiracy headlines plastered about, "Hey, uh, ever heard of Area 51? Roswell?"
Elliott finally looked content with Five being there from that response, "Hot damn! Whooo! See, I always knew I wasn't one of the only ones. You picked a good one, Jenna. See, my Eleanor thought my head wasn't screwed on tight, but... but it's all true, yeah? UFO's, crop circles-"
"Well, the truth is out there."
"No, no, no, no, no. The... the truth, it's... right here in front of us. Tell me, why's it always an anal probe?"
"Good going starting him on one of his rants, Babe," Jenna sighed, "He did this the morning after I showed up here. Once the realization kicked in that I time traveled here."
"Get any closer, bud, and I'll melt your brain," Five smiled.

"Jen's husband needs a little space," Elliott backed away towards Bill and Jenna, "I'll give him space."
"All those contraptions on the roof, you built those, right?"
"Yeah, yeah, sure did. I've been tracking anomalies in the atmosphere."
"I helped him build them to keep track of your siblings and when they got here," Jenna told him.
"They're here?"
"It all started in 1960," Elliott explained, "the year the Silvertone Omega was released. I was in the middle of a sale when something very... strange happened. So, for the past three years, I've witnessed six energy surges in that alleyway out back. One of those being Jenna here. Same thing every time. A bright blue light, then something appears."

"You're sure they're my siblings?"
"First one was Klaus," Jenna elaborated, "Then Luther, Allison, me, Diego, and finally Vanya. I never got the chance to talk to any of them, though."
"Shit. I think I stranded them all here."
"You sure did."
"Listen here, Elliott, I got ten days to find all of them and save the world. Now, I need your help to do that. Jenna? You too."
"Elliott?" Jenna walked over to him, "Grab the clipping of Diego out."
"Uhhhh-" he dug through his drawer until he found a newspaper clipping, "We thought this looked like arrival number five."
"Helpful, sweetheart?"
"Oh so very much. Jen, come here."
"Wait!" Bill called out and grabbed Jenna, "Give me a sec with her would ya?"

Five huffed impatiently, but complied when Jenna gave him a look.
"Be careful," Bill whispered to Jenna, "I don't trust him."
"Bill, I've known him for most of my life. I trust him with all of my heart."
"I don't want him to hurt you. He hasn't been around for months and now he comes waltzing back like nothing happened. It's not right, you deserve better."
"For him it was less than an hour we were apart. Time is a finicky thing, Bill. We weren't careful enough with it the first time. He won't hurt me. Ever."
"I just think you deserve more; time travel or not. I could be more, Jenna."
Jenna froze in her spot.
My dad isn't hitting on me, right? Oh, god. I'm really fucking this up.

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