4} Alice Reunion And Daddy Klaus

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Ugh, why does my head hurt? Where am I? Where's Five? I need to kick his ass for this, I'm assuming.

Jenna got up and stretched herself awake. She went up to the counter and grabbed some ibuprofen to help with her hangover. She grabbed a glass and poured water into it and gulped it all down. The clock on the other side of the room said it was 8:30. This was early for her to wake up by choice. She then wandered over to the coffee table and found a note from Five.

Good morning Love,
I don't know how much you remember from last night, you drank a lot, but I told you I was leaving. I'll be at the Academy by the time you read this. Hope you slept well, Angel.
See you soon,
Your little pocket watch <3

That fucking... fuckface. Stop making me question my thoughts on our marriage.

Jenna folded the note and put it in her pocket before throwing on a pair of shoes to go chase after Five in. She started to walk until she realized just how long of a walk it was going to be. Instead, she decided it was best to call an Uber. After two minutes of waiting later, her driver, Alice, pulled up to get her.
"Hello, I'm Alice, I'll be your drive-"
Alice cut herself off by screaming when she looked back and saw Jenna who'd just phased through the door instead of opening it.
"Woah! How'd you teleport into my Uber and why do you look like my dead best friend?"

Jenna hoped over into the front seat and gave Alice a huge hug.
"How are you alive? Is this like in '86 again when we all thought you were dead, but really you were trapped in the Upside Down? Why are you still little?"
"Kinda? Some dweeb teleported me into the apocalypse before Vecna could kill me. And I'm little because of some wrong time travel calculations. I'm really 58."
"Oh my god, I need to tell everyone."
"Is Steve still alive?"
Alice paused for a moment, "Yeah. But..."
"He's not doing well. He's been sick for the past couple of years. Poor guy doesn't even have anyone to take care of him other than your brother, Robin, and I."
"He's not..."
"Nope. He could never get over you."
"I wish he'd moved on. I mean, I'm married. Have been for the past 30 years."
"To the dweeb?"
"Yes, to the dweeb. Are you and Robin together?"
"Yup. Got married as soon as it was legal. No kids though. How 'bout you?"

"Uh, I had one. Stephen. He's..."
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. So, who's your lucky man?"
"You know the Umbrella Academy?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I'm married to Five Hargreeves, the one who disappeared."
"Oooh, lucky fella he is. So, where are you off to?"
"The Umbrella Academy a few blocks away."
"I know it. Man, it's so surreal to see you again. I've missed you so much."
"Me too. How's my brother?"
"He's doing fantastic. He's a software engineer and has like 5 kids. I can't wait to tell him you're alive."
"You can't. I don't know how long I'm gonna be here for. If Five and I can stop the apocalypse, I'll call you and I'll see everyone, alright? Trust me, I want nothing more than to see my brother and best friends again. Here, call this number if you need me, 'kay?"

"This is going to be sooooo hard! I can't keep secrets, especially ones this fucking massive. Ugh, we're here. Hope I see you again, Jelly Belly."
"I'm sure you will, A-Lee-Se. Here, five-star rating."
"Thank you! I needed that. My last riders were bitches and gave me two-stars. They didn't even talk to me and wore weird character masks the entire time."
"Don't give them a ride again. If you see a request from ChaCha_RealSmooth or HazelCakes_24, don't take it. It's a mistake."
"Sure... okay. See you later- Oooh, it that your piece of arm candy up there?"
Jenna looked up to see Five standing in a window.
"Yup. I'm trying to divorce his ass, though. Anyways, bye Alice."
"Bye, Jenna!" Alice blew her a kiss goodbye out the window before driving away.
My god have I missed her.

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